8th Ed. Stegadon or CoC?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by mrlowery82, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. mrlowery82

    mrlowery82 New Member

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    What the title says, what is more effective on the table, a special choice steg or 5 cold one cavalry with full command and flaming banner? I believe they cost the same points. I think the cavalry will hit harder, but the stubborn on the steg seems like it would help in later rounds of combat. Does anyone have any in game comparisons or experiences? Any and all help is appreciated.
  2. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    Cavalry in general is less effective in 8th edition than previously and CoC is one of the least effective units for the points in the lizzie army IMHO. The steg is far better in nearly every case and even if you face a gunline it will at least draw fire for a turn or two while the cav can get shot to ribbons by handgunners or other AP shooting. Throw in stubborn and thunderstomp and its hard to argue for CoC. About the only time I take CoC now is if I am taking a mounted hero just so he can have a look out sir. Main problem of course is that just about doubles the point cost of the unit but it does make them much more viable.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I've had some luck with larger units of Cold One Riders (10-20) Sometimes with a Scar Vet with the Iron Curse Icon. I play dwarfs a lot and they do better against all the artillery than Stegadons do.

    It's a big point investment but it gets to the enemy quickly and kills what it hits. The downside is you don't have as many points in the rest of your army so you have to be extra careful with infantry. I look forward to our new book since cavalry seems to be getting cheaper in all the 8th ed books.

    Cold Ones are good it's just a matter of cost.
  4. parrot
    Cold One

    parrot New Member

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    In my opinion CoC is better because in will draw less atention (one stegy or 5 CoC you make the call). With that it is easier to flank you opponent. On the other hand if you want to draw fire the stegadon is better.

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