Hello everyone. So I've just purchased another steg box (first monster we ever had, and in my opinion still the best by far). Well anyway I'm torn wether to make it a regular steg or ancient, I currently run one ancient in my list equipped with eog, I'd love it if I had not assembled it that way, but that's far too late. Any thoughts on how to make it and why I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks.
With the points difference as low as it is, the only real reason to take a normal stegadon over an ancient is if you have no rare points to spare. Two stegadons in rare will usually mean no salamanders, but on the other hand no engine of the gods is significant 50 points saved, so that's an alternative I would want to have.
Use a drill and paperclips, and make it interchangeable! Drill holes in the two posts at the front of the howdah, and holes in the bottom of the giant blowpipes. Cut some paper clips into pins, and glue them into the blowpipes. Do the same with the bow and wherever that sits in the howdah and voila, interchangeable stegadon!
I glued ity-bity magnets to the bottom of my blowpipes and on top of the howdah railing, so I can swap them in and out.
Re: STEGADONS AND THEIR GLORY. I prefer Ancient Stegadons but three factors conspire to keep regular Stegadons as a viable unit choice as far as I'm concerned. 1-Against low toughness armies like elves or humans, S6 is overkill against most of their infantry 2-Stegadons get more basic attacks so they aren't as helpless as an Ancient if the Steggy itself is charged. 3-I really like Salamanders and Razordons so I don't normally have enough rare allotment to take two Ancient Steggies (and I believe one should always take two or more Steggies if you choose to take any).