Option 1: OB, Coldone, Steg Helm, Piranha Blade, Luckstone. 1+ A/S, first wound can be re-rolled, but has synergy of the steg helm and piranha blade (if that's not been FAQ'd) Option 2: OB, Coldone, Steg Helm, Talisman of Preservation, Potion of Foolhardiness, GW 1+/4++. Steg Helm still gives the impact hits, but lacks the multi wounds of the piranha blade. BUT GW gives Str 7 hits/wounds on 5 attacks (6 if charging with benefit of potion). My money's on Option 2, but cant shake off what appears to be an attractive build with option 1. Would like to hear from my fellow Lustrians with their views. (I know there's a great Tactica on OB and Scarvet builds. This is just about these two builds) Thanks.
#1 "(if that's not been FAQ'd)" There is no FAQ. assume the combo doesn't work. #2 seems like an average build, though I don't remember exactly what the potion does.
My favourite builds: - cold one,steg helm, talisman of preservation, great weapon. optional: potion of foolhardiness, ironcurse icon, other trickster shard. - cold one, armor of destiny, dawnstone, great weapon. optional: potion of foolhardiness, ironcurse icon, other trickster shard. - cold one, piranha blade, charmed shield, dawnstone, potion of strength - on foot: sword of might, armor of destiny, dawnstone: optional: ironcurse, potion of speed/foolhardines.
The Potion of Foolhardiness gives the drinker Devastating Charge and Immune of Psychology for the turn he drinks it. I use it on my Captasus' all the time. Awesome item, even if it is somewhat situational.
Option 1 works better with a potion if strength and a dawn stone tbh. I've had varying success with that build although it can be situational (eg against reall scary stuff you need some buffs so the oldblood either attacks first or gets a ws buff). Second build I'd much more reliable in that sense. But real men put their Oldbloods on carpets
Why choose 1 between 2 if you can field the triunvirate #1 Oldblood w/ great weapon , dragon helm, other trickster shard, talisman of preservation. #2 Oldblood w/ piranha blade , charmed shield, dawnstone , potion of strength #3 Scarvet w/ great weapon, Armour of destiny, BSB. Join them in a CoR unit. That's the cost of a TG + Slann unit. You only need two scroll/cube caddies and you are done with magic