So I heard that with competetive you had to put aside points and you could then summon units from that point pool. But how does it work in normal matches for fun? You are able to summon no more units then the amounts of spells your slann can cast per turn? And how does that work for Engines of the gods, who are only able to summon through a random effect?
In open play you can summon until your slann or Kroak run out of spells, and the engine os special. It can summon a slann or Kroak, because they have the seraphon key word. However the important thing here is check with your opponent if he or she would like to cap it. Summoning can ne a great tool, but can be overwhelming to some players, so for the sake of fun restrict yourself or let the opponent put restrictions on.
A slann can only run out of spells after using 3 spells per turn right? It refreshes the next turn? And I suppose that is fair. Just discussing it with my opponent. It is also more fun that way
Yes your slann only has 3 spells per turn, but that won't stop some people from bringing multiple slann and summoning a massive army!
Depends on the opponen, if they have no summoning at all I will not summon Monsters or heroes and limit it to one attempt a turn, except engine which can summon anything. If they have some summoning or a big gun line I will keep it to one summon spell per turn but not limit the troop types. If the other player is death or chaos we usually go all out. Unless they are a bew player in which case I limit my summoning to the engine of the gods only, but still take whatever I want!
Oh, and after summoning, can units form together with other units to make a bigger unit? (like you summon 10 warriors, you can merg them if they are close enough to another unit of warriors?)
Oh, and originally you would lose if you lost a number of units equal to the number of units you started with. But with the limitations you just mentioned you don't have to follow that rule right?
That rule still applies, so you choose yoursummoned units carefully make sure the reward outweighs the risk
Alright, with that in mind Summoning actually sounds fairly balanced You don't have to have a unit in play in order for your slann to know it's summoning spell right? Basically a Slann knows all summon spells that exist on all battletomes, and as long as they have the text that the Slann can summon them the Slann can summon them without them first having a unit like them in the field?
Btw, with engine of the gods, could you place a 40 men skink unit? Since it doesn't give any limitations to the models in the unit.