This kind of spun off from the vs. Ogres thread - what provides a more robust survivability to our units; Light or Life? Lore of Life is the obvious choice at first glance, with its toughness boosting and regeneration buffs. But I played a game using Light for the first time last night where the WS aspect really came to the fore. At one point I won combat against a really nasty unit of Ushabti simply because I was WS 10 with a -1 penalty to be hit in cc for that phase due to Pha's Protection and Speed of Light. Against higher WS units you could also throw in Iceshard Blizzard and be really hard (or maybe even impossible) to hit. So is it better to try for the stacking hit penalties, or just be really hard to wound? What have your experiences been? I'm starting to think Light is almost (as?) good, with the increased damage output making up any difference.
I think it depends on play style. If I decide to run Lore of Light I usually run the slann solo (with etherial and +2 ward save vs ranged.) This way I prevent miscasts hitting my own units easier. I have learned to love using Light for really buffing up my units. Life seems to limit buffing a single unit or two while running Light I have the option to buff up multiple units in the bubble. It also affords me great damage spells (especially vs undead and deamons). I usually take light over life hands down.
a good rule of thumb is that life buffs are better, much better BUT they can only be cast on one unit at a time. a TG unit with T8 and regen can basically stand against anything. but your other saurus units will be naked so to speak. depending on if you prefer to fight one or several combats at once your mileage will vary.
It also can depend on your opponent. I have found that lore of Life is extremely effective against low str opponents like high elves, dark elves, empire because with T8 they will never wound you (except on 6s of course), but against armies like Ogres, Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves, Daemons, and undead Light really shines. Other things also can play a huge role too, such as the meta where you live but these ar of course just general guide lines. You'll find that play testing theories for your self will yield the most success in the end.