8th Ed. Tell Me About... Skink Hordes

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Kroxygen, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Kroxygen
    Jungle Swarm

    Kroxygen New Member

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    I've been reading alot here about skink hordes, so tell me, what are they all about? What is a good amount of skinks for one horde unit? Do you run several horde units, or just one massive one?

    I am intrigued by this army, so any info would be great.
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    You have two options for a horde unit. Option 1 is the cohort skink only horde. This unit is only good to be a speed bump. You can also bog down (tar pit) other units that you face with them. If using this option, you should take at least 60 skinks. Probably mroe would be a good idea. The second option would be the skrox unit. This unit will have your cohorts along with the krox. At least 2 kroxigors. I usually try to use anywhere from 60 skinks and 3 (or even 4) kroxogor in a hrode formation (10 across). This unit is a little harder to manuever, but it is worth it.

    Thow in a life or Light slann and you are looking at a very good unit for the cost. I almost never take saurus warriors. I do take temple guard to bunker my slann in, but that is it.

    Another option would be to take several smaller units of skrox using 3 kroxigors and making them horde formations with about 35 skinks.
  3. Shaslain

    Shaslain New Member

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    I usually run one "horde" of 50 skinks in a unit. I run them 5 wide, and ten deep, they are not meant to get into combat, I use them as a relatively cheap bunker for my skink chief and BSB (yes I use a skink BSB). If I do need them to handle something that is trying to hit a flank I merely use my musician to reform, and shoot as many javelins as possible, but they never charge or try to get into combat.

    I personally think that skinks are meant to be a fast annoying missile unit, they can tarpit something with a few attacks, but against anything else, WS2 and toughness 2 just does not cut it.
  4. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    I have run a few Skink Hordes the largest was 150.

    They die in droves but with a Life Slann in a TG bunker right behind them giving them the Throne of Vines/Flesh to Stone stack – T6 Skinks anyone. They have a little more staying power. I ran them 15 wide so I was getting 30 stand and fire poison attacks when charged.

    The other way I ran them was 145 Skinks in a 12 story Tower with 2 Slanns (1 Life / 1 Shadow) and a Flaming Banner – Worked well until a Skaven Bell knocked the tower down and killed both Slanns.

    The other problem with a Horde of Skinks (no matter what the size) things like Dwellers will wipe them out quick.

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