Lords 975 Slann lore of death Becalming Cogitation Resevoir of eldritch energy Soul of Stone Harrowing scrutiny Harmonic convergence channeling staff Cube of Darkness Oldblood Carnosaur Bloodroar loping stride sword of strife talisman of preservation other tricksters shard Heroes 160 Skink priest lvl 2 (lore of Heavens) dispel scroll cloak of feathers core 640 20 saurus hw/s full command 20 saurus hw/s full command 10 Skink Skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers Special 325 20 temple guard full command Banner of discipline rare 250 Ancient Stegadon sharpened horns I have a large portion of my army causing terror; 3 monsters and my slann's unit. Lore of death to help take care of those nasties like hellpits and Chimeras with spirit leech or to snipe warmachines by casting through the flying skink priest. Also frees up the slann to get into combat with whatever ive weakened with magic. Stegadon to help grind through monstrous infantry and the like or the hopefully weakened monsters that reach my lines. An idea i had that i thought would work really well together was getting doom and darkness with the death lore and subtracting 3 leadership from a unit which remains in play which would allow my carnosaur lord to charge that unit and apply the 3d6 terror test take the highest and if they pass then the fear test still to come. QUESTION when a unit is taking multiple charges from terror causers do they take mutiple terror tests for each charge reaction they make against each terror causer?
Similar idea to my 2400 vs OnG list posted shortly before this one. Although mine is not based around the End Times rules viz 50% Lords etc. I've tried to fit in Fear / Terror causing models to cause leadership checks (no idea if this or my list will work though).
Interesting list. Would like to know how it worked for you. I guess against armies with a lot of immune to psychology this focus may set you on the back foot a bit. I see that you have 2 arcane items on your slann (Staff and cube) that is not allowed. Cheers!
Finally got to test my list and it was against a vampire counts list so the terror checks were basically null and void. however the list on its own without relying on doom and darkness for the -3 leadership comboing with terror wasnt needed. my opponent had a unit of great weapon graveguard, several zombie blocks one of which served as a bunker for the lvl 4 wizard, a large horde of ghouls with 2 banshees in there, a very nasty red fury asf vampire lord 4++ on a zombie dragon (geez he sounded nasty) a mortis engine, terror gheist, and some blood knights with an additional vampire lord kitted similarly to the first one with the blood knights i deployed the temple guard in the center with the carnosaur and stegadon flanking them and the saurus flanking them. skinks were in front of each saurus unit to try and run interference and then the salamanders were on the edges of the battle line he deployed the undead hordes in front with the terrorgheist on one flank and the zombie dragon lord with the bloodknight unit on the other flank. seeing most of the strength on the flank with the killy lords i shifted my temple guard, one saurus unit and both monsters towards that side. his terrorghiest screamed a salamander to death but lost a couple of wounds with poison from skinks and was finished off with spirit leech cast through the skink priest grave guard moved up with the help of a spell that moved them a total of 12 inches or so in front of the zombie dragon while the other vamp lord with bloodknights got in position to flank charge whatever got into the graveguard. he didnt expect me to charge temple guard into them with carnosaur, oldblood and stegadon support and as a result popped tht unit and overran so only his zombie dragon could charge anything while i fed the skinks on the right to the blood knights for lunch and prepared dinner in the form of the right unit of saurus bubbled the -1 str and toughness death spell and a comet of cassandora cast earlier hit and hit t2 zombies thinnin them out enough for my left saurus to take care of (eventually) zombie dragon lord went in to the temple guard killing 13 in one round of combat with reroll to hit and wound at strength 7/6 (thank you stubborn) bloodknight lord unit got charged by my saurus as they couldnt let the skinks block them forever and with the help of iceshard blizzards -1 to hit the -1 str and toughness bubble against the 20 saurus popped the bloodknights through combat resolution while the zombie dragon lord kille all but 2 temple guard and even if he had killed him he would still have been charged by the reformed carnosaur lord and stegadon (who killed him on impact hits with the d3 wounds alone). at this point with only zombies and his level 4 remaining he gave me the game. thoughts on how i used the list or how it could be better or how i couldve played better? i think that i wasnt playing against a very optimized vampires list as i think my opponent was very excited about getting to use his new 50 percent allowance for lords. i use the 50 percent allowance as well but not to his extent. i dont know how to play vampires so im not one to judge.