Just to have a fancy name for my army My saurus: It is quite some time ago, that i painted these. they are rather dark. they have become more and more red, as I have come to like the blue with red scales. Skinks: I plan to get some more, and paint them, to proxy chameleons. My first Stegadon: and again it is very dark, as it is one of my early models. My second Stegadon: I do like this one over my other stegadon. it is more bright and overall I think I did a better job painting it. Moving to more saurus, or rather temple guard. these are a bit wierd, in the sense that they do not fit with the rest of my army. my old salamander, which might need a repainting. Now to the first unit I ever got: I did not have a wide range of colors when I painted these, so the saurus only have one single blue color. My second unit of cold one riders. as with the temple guard, they are a bit off. I actually have some more cold one riders, I have begun painting. A bit of a waste sadly, as I rarely use them. On to Characters: Skink Priset: he is my only mage. I probably should get some more. My Saurus on Carnosaur. I have never really used him, because I am mostly playing against cannons, or games that are just too small for him to fit, in the 25% of Lords, or Heroes. and now, he is outdated. Chracter on cold one: I do like him, but again, he does not fit the rest of my army. Scar vet: he was made to be Gor-Rok. As he did not have a model in the last edition, now he is most often used as a scar veteran, Oldblood: Just a standard oldblood, not much to say. He fits the theme of some of my saurus though. And now, My favorite model: Gor-Rok I tried to have his shield look like it was made out of blue obsidian. But its not that clear on the picture. I use him often, as I love his backstory, and he is a real beast on the battlefield, He and an oldblood have practically slaughtered a unit of 50 empire soldiers, and had two other units in their flanks flee. the one getting run down by my stegadon. and Gor-Rok and my Oldblood, did not loose a single wound, even though there were two characters in one of the empire units. At the moment I am painting an Oldblood, which, hopefully, will be finished soon.
That's quite an introduction! Welcome to the forum! Let us know if you have any questions about painting, fluff, rules, tactics or whatever. Very nice army there, I encourage you to start a PLOG, so your models can get the praise they richly deserve. If you don't want to double post, I can use my amazing mod powers to move your introduction there. Besides Gor-Rok, my personal favorite is the blue Sauri with red accents. If you base your Go-rok, that's a definite show piece for the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts
Thank you Scalenex. I will start a Liazrdmen paint blog then. And I do not mind double posting it. but thanks for the offer, I now have an idea of your almighty powers I will be basing Gor-Rok at some point, but I have not found a basing theme for my army yet, so it might be a while, before he will be posted at Itza Gallery of Fine Arts. When you say the blue Sauri with red accents, do you mean my Oldblood or the saurus champion with two weapons?
Welcome to the forums! Great looking army you have there. I look forward to seeing it progress as you paint more figures.