7th Ed. The Auto-Breaker Concept

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Arsenal, May 17, 2010.

  1. Arsenal
    Temple Guard

    Arsenal New Member

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    I was thinking of testing out the undead horde auto-break concept with the Lizardmen by making the following.

    A unit of Skrox marching within the bubble of the EoTG
    -3 Krox
    -34 or more skinks
    -Full Command
    -BSB Fear Banner

    All that with a move of 6" can be pretty intimidating.

    I wonder what measure of success could be had, assuming your enemy doesn't figure it out and just avoid you.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Sound like a fun and unexpected unit.
    I imagine its fast enough to catch most things
    that you are going you want to charge anyway.
    If you manage to get a flank charge with this,
    you will probaly work the best. :D
  3. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    The spells Shades of Death and Walking Death work great for this purpose. I cast it on my 24 & 3 Skrox full command unit after they charge, and usually it's enough to break anything not immune to psychology, particularly with the Kroxigor now causing terror. It also means you don't have to tie up a battle standard, though you're not guaranteed to always have the fear effect.
  4. Oosterloo
    Jungle Swarm

    Oosterloo New Member

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    I had this idea too for my last battle but instead I used it on a slann and tg unit.
    Had to beat nasty brets with nice combat resolution.

    Gave the slann some terror (though that proved to be quite useless). But also made him the standard bearer and just popped him the +1 combat resolution banner of the common section.
    Then gave the temple guard (16) the extra pursuit d6 banner so if i won those knights wouldn't get away.

    Of course I let this unit be on the flank so it wont rush straight in the middle of the enemy, but it worked out nice and beat grail knights with the standard bearer. Punching a great hole in his tactic.
  5. lazylizard
    Temple Guard

    lazylizard New Member

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    well if we're all thinking up ways on how to break the unit, we could always try and take a OB on Carno, EotG, and A. Steg.

    what i tried doing is charging a unit with the OB, they passed their terror check, charge with EotG, they passed with terror check, and then charged with A.Steg, and they passed their terror check. but i charge all at the same time which makes them take a lot more tests. but i guess what we need to do first and take out that BSB first and then charge :D

    without a BSB, most units would not pass that many terror checks and even if they do, that also 1D6 S7, 2D6 S6 thunderstomp attacks. this is a good way to try and get the units to run. also, you could always redirect charges if they do fail their terror check.

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