Anyone got any ideas with the most effective way lizardmen have with dealing with 'the big stuff' I played a steam tank last night and it took my huge unit of templeguard and slann with saurus in the side a good 5 turns to bring it down with 10 wounds. With the high armour save poison attacks are not longer and good, so how do you deal more effectively with Stanks, Bloodthirsters, Any really big gribblys with good armour. I am running lore of light. Also avoidance isn't an option as my local GW we only play on 4x4 boards and playing the outmanouvering game is near impossible. Thanks, Hiv0r
Since poison is not as effective, you should set a small unit (maybe some chameleons) on it and use the net of amyntok on it. It will auto fail that every turn, effectively making that a useless machine.
The net of amonytok no longer has any effect on it as it is strength 6 and classed as a chariot regardless if that worked chameleon skinks cannot get passed the 10 wounds 1+ armour save even if they sat there all game. Ontop of that I want more of a general lizardman strategy for dealing with big things not just steam tanks, I am talking bloodthirsters, Treemen etc etc
try to get big block of saurus/skinks on it. Other than that, metalls signature rapes stank, but you dont really want to use LoMetal with slann
You can use another Lore and let it test "I" ( it can't? Oh. So it will die painfully ). If you don't want to change the Lore, than you can always try to use horde of saurus warriors . Maybe Stegadon will work fine? Impacts from charge should help a lot. I am always trying to dual such things with my carno. Maybe not best strategy but imho most epic
These type of things are where COC come in really nicely, give them the Razor Standard or the Banner of Eternal Flame and sit a Scar-vet inside them with augmented strength (magic item, halberd, great weapon etc.) and a good armour/wardsave. Then they will tear the big baddie to pieces, and if they get the charge off (less likely this edition but still more likely than them getting charged) they will do so faster.
But this is making one really expensive unit ( probably more exp. than the thing you want to kill ) that will be good only in this one action.
oh you think so? cause I don't. It is a pricey unit but generally what are those big guys doing? Guarding a flank mostly, or trying to smash into something more expensive of our own, so when we kill them in a turn or two we then have that flank to run down with the COC unit getting in flank charges and what not. In the second case we have fended off a large threat to our main battle line which (if you'll pardon me saying this) is probably underpriced. The key here is to find a happy middle ground between minimum unit size and high cost, I suggest seven or eight COC and the Scar Vet, you won't be breaking ranks with this unit but that is not its primary role so big whup.
Seems we have no real trump card minus a very expensive specialized CoC/Scarvet builds. A saurus block bogging down combat will have to be!
The way I see is that you can pay points for something that will work and deal with an otherwise problematic situation AND be useful in other areas. Or you can spend those points on other strengths and hope that when the problematic situation occurs you've got some good dice on you.
40 skinks maybe treemen i think is way easier just take flame banner on tg and boost them with your light magic and he should be toast or ash.... abomination dies in 1 - max 3 turns the bloodthirster i think needs to be banished and steam tank maybe you do need the 40 skinks.....
Yeah ok thanks for the advice Stanks seem to be trickey for us to deal with. I do have light magic and flaming banner on my TG to deal with alot of stuff so hopefully i'll pull some stuff off!