I read the FAQ and the Errata... but the wording of it confuses my stupid brain. Question! : Can the Focused Rumination allow you to roll more than 12 power dice in a turn?
Yes, you may. The rule isn't 12 per turn, it's 12 dice maximum at any given time. The only time you can't use it is when you have 12 dice already in the pool (rolling two 6's or channeling up to the cap). However, as soon as you drop under 12 dice it kicks back in.
Oh that makes ALOT more sense. Me and my newb friends have been confused about that. Thank you very much.
If I have 12 dice, I always use the first spell on my skink priest. It just seems to make sense to me.
So you can actually 7 dice roll a spell on a Slann so long as it is not the first spell when you have 12 dice from Winds of Magic? This has been a bit of an argument between some people at the local shop, as well as our shop vs. another local one.
Yes, you could. I usually do not do that. I want to cast as much as I can. I usually add the dice from rumination and do not go over six. It just seems to make me get more bang for the buck.
Very few times you'll want to seven dice something. I guess for lulz, you could take 'Cupped Hands' as well, and then seven dice 'Purple Sun' or large-version 'Pit of Shades'. On the other hand, having that free dice pretty much doubles your casting output. So yeah, try to maximise your output, to burn out scrolls and other one-use magic defense early. Burning out dispel dice is also good, as they will always have less.