Hey everyone! Signed up after lurking for awhile. I had a lizardmen army about five or six years back...and gave them away. Somehow I have been called back to them again lol. They were my first army and I have started up again with them. I am more of a painter than a player though. Hope to get to know you guys and learn some painting tips..been several years since I painted a mini. Oh my pet Gecko back in the day inspired me to collect my army...he was pretty cool, but alas he is gone to be with the old ones.
That tricksy Gecko. It's great to have real life inspiration for paintin, he certainly served the Old Ones wellduring his time if you're coming back once more There's an active paint blog community, so feel free to begin your own!
Thanks for the welcomes slanputin, NIGHTBRINGER, and kwalaar. At the moment I am only collecting Lizardmen.. starting all over, fresh start. 5 years ago, I had a growing Lizardmen army, Empire, and Skaven. For 40k I had Orcs. The group I played with all stopped playing, so I ended up either selling them or giving them away. Lizardmen were my first army...before that I had Lotr models that were released with Fotr. I did pick up some Hordes models, Circle Oboros, and naturally the voodoo worshipping Gators. Painting comes first for me...its been so long since I last painted though that the colours have all changed names lol.
I am glad to hear that you choose Lizardmen as your springboard back into the hobby! There have been lots of nice new models released since you last collected them. They should make for some great painting projects.
This happen to me too! I had neglected painting for about 3-4 years, perhaps, and then BOOM! colours changed names Luckily they had like a chart in my local shop where I at least could figure out what their new updated name was. Welcome on to this magnificent forum! Don't forget to read the fluff, its juicy and filled with typO's... well at least mine is.
Welcome to the forums! The Old Ones always rejoice when a lurker joins the active community. Just don't listen to the blood soaked dolphin wearing the Yankees hat. He may make some persuasive arguments but he does NOT have your best interests at heart. Oh wait we aren't talking about evil characters in our own dreams...never mind.