Welcome fellow philosophers! It has come to my attention, a new great question to be answered. While studying the great tome of Warhammer armies Lizardemn 8th edition as well as the old omnibus Warhammer Armies Lizardmen 5th to 7th edition, I found a little loop hole in the great rules of the universe. The question in question is, if all the skinks in a unit of cohort including two kroxigor are slain; will the standard and musician be passed to the two remaining kroxigor? Kv. Huinipachutli
Re: The great mystery of the Kroxigor and skink command grou Tbh I wouldnt do it. It doesnt make sense and your opponent will think it's ridiulous
Re: The great mystery of the Kroxigor and skink command grou I wouldn't say that a Kroxigor (unit upgrade) is a rank and file skink. -Matt