"Fear and Terror When you charge a Fear or Terror causer you take the Fear/Terror test not before you charge, but at the start of the combat phase. - Avian If you fail the Fear/Terror test you are reduced to 1 attack per model, at Weapon Skill 1" No more failed charges because of fear, but this will certainly hurt almost as bad. Talk about rubber lance syndrome! It is not clear if this happens when fear causers charge the enemy, but this in itself might help make skrox a little more viable. "Flank/ Rear charges & Combat Resolution Units need to have at least 2 complete ranks in order to negate enemy flank/rear. " Hmm, now this could be interesting. You need at least 10 models to take away rank bonus? Or just to get the +1 or +2? However it works, this gives a reason for "fast infantry" like the skrox. And don't forget, skrox will help you fill out your core requirement... If you need two full ranks to take away rank bonus... it almost becomes necessary to take some high model count unit for flanking. Skrox are lookin good... A lot will depend upon whether infantry can fight in ranks to their sides. If only one rank gets to attack, this could very well be worth it. It also makes it tempting to take more block units, as if the temptation weren't there already.
Yup add on to this the scenario objectives and skrox units look mighty tempting. I already plan on adding 2 units of skrox. Of course I am waiting till the rulebook is out before I buy anything. Also plain old Kroxigor units look better too. So the greedy sob's(which i say with love) at GW will get my money finally for some kroxigor, unless I can find an alternative(cheaper!) model.
I always liked the idea of Skrox units and with this new rumour and some of the previous ones, it looks like I might actually start fielding them.
Code: "Also plain old Kroxigor units look better too. So the greedy sob's(which i say with love) at GW will get my money finally for some kroxigor, unless I can find an alternative(cheaper!) model." Check our Reaper Mini... Their Lizard Men and Reptus lines could be a good sub for kroxigor. Oh yea they are also WAY cheaper.
Hmm if fear/terror tests are taken at the start of combat when you are charging as well (and I can't see why they wouldn't) imagine the juicy goodness in combining a charge in the move phase with doom and darkness in the magic phase! Assuming that spell is still around... GW said they are meant to be downplaying fear/terror, but that makes it much more powerful IMO. I would rather not charge than charge and have 1 ws1 attack per model. They are getting rid of auto-fleeing from outnumbered by fear though, which hurts undead bad. Two ranks to negate in the flank/rear I don't really buy.. What about cavalry? Why is going to take 2 ranks of them? It seriously hampers one of their biggest uses and makes them a much more 'charge forward and hope for the best' type. What about monsters like dragons and our own stegadon? They can possibly win from a frontal charge with kills alone (though maybe not with two ranks striking back), but the big advantage was getting into the flank/rear to get rid of ranks.
I am not too worried about making it harder to negate ranks. It just makes infantry more necessary. I think hammer units are just going to be there to help rack up kills. Also think about how difficult it will now be to get heavy cav into flank/rear anyway, since they can't march anymore... You may be seeing some 10 strong medium cavalry for this purpose, or possibly fast cav? Maybe cavalry will only need 4 across to form ranks? This wouldn't be too surprising in light of ogre sized infantry forming 3 wide ranks. It makes it harder to hit the "I win" button on big blocks of infantry, which is always a good thing. Shock troops will now be there to assist an infantry battle, OR to finish off a weakened block. I think it helps to further shift the focus more toward the core troops. Our primary flankers would be skrox units, though the skink problem may rear its ugly head. Cold One Cav would be out due to their lack of marching ability and high price to make two ranks. Stegadons are always helpful in combat but will no longer take away ranks, but I can see them primarily hunting down enemy "flanker" type units. Flankers will be medium to light cav or faster infantry... anything that can reasonably form two ranks. Rampant speculation as usual, but that's part of the fun!
i think stegadons are still able to take away ranks. they say you need 2 ranks but if GW words it they way they always do, you could make a claim for US10 to take away ranks and get a +1 for flank. if this is the case, then i know steggys are still a viable choice.
Here's the official answer... http://www.reapermini.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2720-warlord-and-dark-heaven-model-scales/ Basicly the Standard Reptus troop is a about the size of a saurus, while some of the hero's are a bit larger. http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/reptus I just noticed that there are tow little triangles on the right side of all the pics, aparently these are for scale referance. http://www.reapermini.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36809-how-high-are-the-triangles/
I saw the first topic so I knew they were to 25/28mm scale. But the actual height and if any were 40mm scale like the kroxigor I couldn't find. and I did not see the triangles at first glance, thanks for pointing them out. Well the lizard men on their site don't have any triangles. And only a few of the reptus models do While I can see getting some reaper models for scar-vets and priests, an off size model like the kroxigor I would have to see them in person, and I am not sure my local game shop carries any(will look next time I go)
Ok so I searched for "lizard" instead of "lizardmen"(cause I was very narrow minded apparently) using reapers figure finder, and actually found some lizardmen with triangles and shows their scale alot better. And I think the tyrant or S'Athka could work well as a Kroxigor as they are about 2 inches high at their head. For less then 1/3 the price . And I think for 6 bucks or so I could afford testing one out Thanks again for pointing out the triangle scale n810
Any news on how many attacks you get to the flank and rear? Suddenly attacking somewhere other than the front looks a lot better when you get your 2 ranks and they only get 3 or 4 guys...
I have heard spears will get full effect from flank or rear, so it is quite possible everyone will be attacking in 2 ranks there as well... Kinda ruins the purpose of flank charging and manouvring though, I hope flanks are still big weak points really.