8th Ed. The Lore of Water

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Chahlie, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    This may be in the wrong place, but I was thinking about how Lizardmen needed their own lore, and I thought I'd try to write one. I'm still in the process of play testing and tweaking, but it seems to work so far. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions/criticism?
    The Lore of Water

    Ebb and Flow (lore attribute): After a water spell is successfully cast, the caster (and any unit he is in) may move up to
    d3" inches in any direction. This movement does not affect the models facing, and cannot bring the models closer then 1" to an enemy.

    Swell Crush (signature spell): Cast on
    The Priest draws water from the air and ground and slams it into an opponent with the force of a tidal wave.
    Swell Crush is a magic missile with a range of 24” and causes d6 strength 4 hits. A unit that suffers a wound from this spell cannot march in its next turn unless it passes a strength tests.

    1. Dehydrate: Cast on 12+
    The priest forcefully draws water from his foes, sapping their strength and destroying their will.
    Dehydrate is a hex with a range of 24” inches. The target unit’s Movement, Strength, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative, and Leadership are all reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Remains in play.

    2. Drown: Cast on 10+
    The Priest fills one enemy’s lungs with water, cursing them to a watery death while they are still on the land.
    Drown in a direct damage spell with a range of 12”. One target enemy model (even a character in a unit) must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound, with no armor saves allowed. If the model takes a wound, it must pass another toughness test or suffer a wound with no armor save allowed. This continues until the enemy dies or passes a toughness test.

    3. Quagmire: Cast on 8+
    The priest turns the ground under his enemies into a stinking swamp, slowing them down as they trudge through the sticky mud.
    Quagmire is a hex with a range of 24” inches. The target unit cannot march in its next turn. Additionally, if the unit is in a swamp or river, it takes d6 strength 3 hits.

    4. Cloaking Mists: Cast on 8+
    The Priest draws a shielding mist around himself, obscuring him from his foes.
    Cloaking Mists is an augment spell with a range of 36” inches. The target unit counts as being in soft cover until your next magic phase.
    The wizard can choose to have this spell affect every friendly unit within 24" inches. If so, the casting is increased to 13+

    5. Geyser: Cast on 11+
    The Priest rends the very earth, drawing up a great spray of boiling hot water to destroy his foes.
    Geyser is a direct damage spell. Place the small round anywhere within 30” of the wizard. The template then scatters d6”. Any models under the template take a strength four flaming hit. One model under the small hole in the center of the template takes a Strength 8 flaming hit instead.
    The wizard can choose to cast a larger version of this spell, using the large template with strength of 5(10). If so, the casting is increased to 18+

    6. Flood: Cast on 16+
    The Priest calls forth a great and mighty flood to slow his enemies and invigorate himself, for what is easier then casting spells of water when at sea?
    Remains in play. The entire board is considered Terrain (River). Hills, Buildings and special Terrain are not affected, though all other terrain is also considered a river. Additionally, all spells from the lore of water are -1 to their minimum-casting requirement.

    Both Slann and Skink Priests can use the Lore of Water. In my opinion Heavens is too defense based, so this is designed to be more offensive, to balance it out.
  2. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    awesome lore skink army of doom such an army can crush the enemy in the movement face and then bieng able to move in magic face and then the enemy is at half speed! a light slann and a water slann you could easily outmaneuver the enemy it could be very fun to lock out the enemies main unit by giving them -1 M and not allowing them to march awesome just awesome dont know if its that good though

    and mist should be able to affect everybody within range at maybe 20 or 24
  3. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    I was thinking about adding something like that. And yes, I did make the lore attribute intentionally for hit-and-run tactics. I'll edit it.
  4. Mutten90

    Mutten90 New Member

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    Really cool idea, now if we could get this games-workshop so they can put it into our next army book! Also I would say geyser should also have a better version that you can choose to cast at 16 or 18+ and uses the large template and does strength 5 hits, and strength 10 to those in the center instead. Really love this idea though.
  5. walach

    walach New Member

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    i would make flood slightly harder to cast, but undispellable (just feels weird to have the whole board covered in water one minute and gone the next)

    i think my main problem is that there's 1 too many spells which are aimed at march prevention... i would keep signature and 6, and rework 3 into something else.
  6. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    I think your right, but I cannot think of another spell for it. Any ideas?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Very nice lore, I think it is really interesting. The only concern I would have is the lore attribute. I think it might be a bit too powerful. Casting 4 spells in a turn would allow a unit a free 24" of movement, that seems a bit much in my opinion. Flood seems like a really cool spell.

    Great work though!
  8. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    Thanks! Also, in regards to the movement, I kept the spell short range, so if you move to much, you'll run out of things to hit. Maybe I should shorten the ranges more...
  9. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Even making the attribute movement bonus D3 or D6 would make it a little less overwhelming, and might help represent the unpredictability of water. Another idea to play around with would be a 'cleansing' type spell that could remove negative status effects on friendly units, even ones that stay in effect until the enemy caster's next turn.

    Looks like a strong lore with a lot of potential, especially for a fast, skink heavy army.
  10. Sandman130

    Sandman130 New Member

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    I think moving D3 is a much better idea for sig. spell.

    Swell crush is great. Maybe to easy to cast though. Its better than normal with a normal casting cost. Maybe casting at a +8?

    Also, Drown is way to easy to cast. It needs to be +20. Dwellers (same spell but without the continued damage) is 18. So it's crazy to have drown be +10.

    Dehydrate might be out of balance (to good) but it is a +12 while most other spells of its nature are +8; maybe make it range 16 instead of 24 since the whole lore is close range (hence the need for lore attribute) Or make it a harder cast.

    Love Quagmire.

    Cloaking mist is great as well, but I think the ranges need to be brought back into line with other lores. Range 24, bubble 12.

    Geyser is cool :) Always wanted a stone thrower for lizardmen so its great for us. Might be alittle over powered for a +11... maybe a +12/+18? (would bring it inline with the comet kinda) but I think its just a good spell in the lore.

    Flood is a great idea. But instead of river make it Terrain Marsh. Also, hills should become open terrain- as the water level has removed the hill bonus. Remains in play though? I think its a good idea for us as lizardmen, but I don't think its balanced. It would take a serious effort to dispel a +16 seriously hurting the enemy casting phase. I think its good for us, but over powered.

    I know I just did alot of criticism, but please take it in the most friendly way possible cause I'm glad someone is doing it! I just want to help make it a possibility by making it balanced. I think it matches the idea of lizardmen well. Close range dominate magic.
  11. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    Drown only applies to one person, while Dwellers is an entire unit. (Drown is actually just the blood statuette of spite). Thanks for the rest of the feedback!
  12. Mutten90

    Mutten90 New Member

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    Love Flood, and would also say that I can understand the remains in play because it would require the priest's attention to make sure water is constantly flowing, and would simply require an enemy mage to break his concentration and have the water flow to other places getting rid of all terrain as river, it would just be muddy.(but armies have fought in the pouring rain before without trouble so thats how I would explain it.) The only thing I might change would to make it add.. "In addition all units without the water strider(or river strider I can't remember) must pass a Strength test or suffer D6(or D3) strength 4 hits." This would represent the water raging in and swallowing all those without the strength to resist. And then just make the casting value 20+ or something. Just a thought.
  13. Lolgamer

    Lolgamer New Member

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    Flood is epic, skinks would suddenly become a deadly unit.

    I considered making my own lore once, started it but never finished, my idea was lore of the ancients.
  14. Sandman130

    Sandman130 New Member

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    My fault on misinterpreting drown.

    Its cool!!
  15. Scarr_Horned_one

    Scarr_Horned_one New Member

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    It's a cool lore that would be excellent for skinks as that would make them even more dangerous. Dwarves would still laugh...

  16. Saurus Samuri
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus Samuri New Member

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    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Check out my new post in Lizardmen Discussion everybody. It´s called Attributes of the Lizardmen and it will work out awsome if people respond to it.

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