8th Ed. The Role of Lizardman In "The End of Times"

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Xlanax_lot, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    So After the first book of the end of times I cant help to wander which role are the lizardmen going to play.

    Are they going to be the responsivles for spliting the world?
    Are they going to alli with the high elves? ( honestly is the only race I see them alying with and still very unlikely)
    Which ones of our characters are going to get killed?
    Are we finally geting a masdamundi model?

    Anyway, what are your thoughts. I really want to know if someten has a beter perspective of what will be happening in the next 3 books.
  2. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    Probably Kroq-Gar will die, but he could still survive. We can't say anything on our other characters. Maybe we'll get a Mazda model, hopefully with new rules to make him worth his points. I hope that undeath spreading means that Kroak gains back part of his lost power, and i'd love to see spawnings and more Slann disciplines, and maybe some new stuff
  3. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Seeing as how a large number of armies have/will be getting the old hero hammer style of special characters, I was hoping this meant that we'd be seeing Nakai return (because nothing is quite as like a giant, regenerating Kroxigor of death, who held off a daemon army by himself for 3 days).

    Realistically I could actually see Mazdamundi, or certainly Kroak getting a suped up "more awake" set of rules.
  4. Stuntyogre

    Stuntyogre Member

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    With Mazdamundi announcing his command I think our army will either a) engage in a radical last act of glory to thwart an incursion of daemons or b) as the exodus begins the Old Ones themselves will harbor their creations in the place they've hid until a reconquest can begin in earnest to fulfill their plans. Yes I actually think they will bring the Old Ones into this, if they can bring Valaya and the TK god of death into the plot then the OO aren't unthinkable
  5. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    Pfft, you call this an end times? Back in my millenium we had REAL end times, where millions of demons would cover entire continents and you'd have to build a geodesic web just to go to the shops to buy some milk! Spawnlings these days I tell you...
  6. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    The other races are probably just taking this Nagash business a little too seriously. They haven't seen what we have.

    What could be worse than the world covered by daemon hordes?
  7. kharnzarro
    Jungle Swarm

    kharnzarro New Member

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    I see either Krok-gar or Mazdamundi dying...also hope GW will use this as an excuse to give mazzi a proper model finally as well as update his rules

    I hope this "exodus" leaves lizzies in a position to be more 'active" in the world tough since previous campaigns it seems we just get stuck in lustria with the slann helping in the background
  8. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I got the feeling that the "exodus" was the lizardmen (or at least the Slann) giving up on the planet and somehow leaving. It's a bit disappointing really that Mazdamundi - the most active and supposedly powerful Slann who has been strictly upholding the plan to the point where if you're standing in the wrong place you get killed is calling it quits. It just seems to me like they're picking up their ball and going home because they're losing the game.

    What I'd like to see is the Lizardmen become far more active in executing the plan and putting down anything that's not "natural" that doesn't fit in. It gives them reason to have a go at taking down Nagash and having a presence wherever there's Skaven, Beastmen, Undead of any flavour and anyone touched or aligned with Chaos.
  9. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    We'll either see a "Lizardmen are really hard pressed and going on the defensive more than ever" or "hurrah the spawning pools are waking up and giving new armies! Is this an ominous sign?"
  10. Xuil
    Chameleon Skink

    Xuil Well-Known Member

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    I'm hoping this is a good enough reason for Kroak to return to life, simply to say "Hold it right there, young Mazdamundi!"
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    GW does not consult me when writing fluff. I think they are overly fond of Lizardmen being the most reactive army in the world. I predict GW will regulate LM to support again.

    The way I see it, everything the Slann do is ultimately directed at fighting Chaos.

    Empire, Brettonia, Dwarfs, High and Wood Elves, Halflings and Ogres are classified as Prodigals. Beings that are ignorant but still mostly follow the Old One's plans

    Warriors of Chaos, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfs and most undead are the Fallen, Prodigal races that fell to Dark powers.

    Fimir, Skaven, Greenskins, Beastmen and the like are creatures that should not exist at all and are deemed Anathema.

    Daemons are deemed the Old Foes. All interactions with the above three groups are in order to curtail the Old Foes.

    The Slann are divided on Prodigals versus Fallen. Some conservative Slann do not distinguish between Prodigals and Fallen, all need to be corrected. The loyal opposition Slann believe the Prodigals can do what they want for now, but the Fallen must be purged so their taint doesn't spread. A small third group of moderate Slann. we'll kill the Anathema and then worry about the Prodigals and Fallen.

    Nagash is Fallen not Anathema, and certainly not the Old Foe. Nagash doesn't want Deamons to destroy the world. Unless Nagash attacked Lizardmen cities or came close to wiping out a Prodigal race, I think most Slann would adopt a wait and see approach and hoped he tangled with the forces of Chaos.

    If this were actually the End Times and not "the Empire/Dwarves barely stave off total destruction one more time" I think the Slann would all sacrifice themselves and/or retire. They wouldn't tell the Skinks this, but I think the Old Ones meant for the Prodigals to inherit the world.
  12. Saurian

    Saurian Member

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    Given that one of their special characters is essentially an undead toad, and their main enemies and "Old Foes" are chaos, I think Lizardmen will align themselves with the forces of Undeath. Whilst they will "align" themselves, that's not to say they will "ally" themselves with them. They will make use of Nagash's tactics and desire to rid the world of chaos to their own gain.

    They've been plenty hard on the other big important special characters, so don't be surprised if Kroak or Mazdamundi get offed. Hopefully not Kroq-gar though... he defended his temple from Daemons for 1000 years straight (making everyone else look like a wuss), so if he got killed off in the End Times, it would seem a bit like I dunno, joining the Marines and completing 30 hardcore missions, then coming home and dying from catching a common cold.
  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Probaly not Kroak, since hes is suposed to be around untill the end of the world.
  14. Julasaur
    Jungle Swarm

    Julasaur New Member

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    I got a feeling Mazda abandoning the plan is part of the plan, faking a mass exodus of Lustria could be a feint or there could be a trap there? Something's goin on because Nagash and Archaon aren't enough to make the lizardmen drop nuts and give up they been through worse than this right?
  15. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    The other thread about Nagash returning and bringing things to life is interesting.

    Really hope Lizardmen get a Gen 1 or 2 Slann more powerful than Nagash. I don't care who you are, Slann should always have the most powerful mage in the wooooooorld, because GODS.

    A rule system for Wizards to battle each other in a way that isn't simply casting spells at each other would be great. A way of using power dice so they can have mental-powers-wizardy-duels against other wizards within LOS or something.
  16. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Something tells me, after actually reading it, that he was referring to leaving lustria and aiding the rest of the world against Chaos.

    The main reason for this is also the fact that Mazdamundi has fought pretty damn good before, in times where everything seemed lost. Why give up now, when things aren't even looking a tenth as bad as it was back then? The answer is: He isn't giving up, he just plans on joining the Old Ones other creations to finish off Chaos.
  17. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    An exodus from Lustria to bring the full power of the Lizardmen to bear upon the enemies of the world would be pretty amazing - and I really hope this is what the exodus is. I can imagine the Lizards using their portals to plop themselves squarely in a position where they can wreck some daemon/chaos/undead faces.

    I'm changing my outlook to be less pessimistic about this exodus. Every other army/race are putting on their awesome hats and doing cool stuff, so why can't we?
  18. Astral Crusader

    Astral Crusader Member

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    I also would want than to get more active maybe reclaim a few lost cites, have a six spawning, being back some pf the first spawning.

    They also should keep Korq-gar alive he's too cool.

    Honestly I would like to see characters form other franchises like Jason Voorhees, Ash Williams, Leatherface, and Captain Price make an appearance.
  19. Kor-Lot-Ko

    Kor-Lot-Ko Member

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    I would really like to see Tehenhauin leading a massive army of red-crested skinks, krox, sallies, razordons and trogs down into the under-empire to find and kill the council of 13 and wipe the skaven from the face of the earth, or die trying.
  20. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    The main roles I can see the Lizardmen accommodating in The End Time are:

    1) An "exodus" from Lustria, to combat the rising threat of Chaos as the winds of magic increase, finally leaving their defensive isolation. They've already started constructing a city in Albion, which would serve as a great excuse to bring them closer to the action (beyond travelling via the geomantic web). Speaking of the geomantic web, using it to re-connect with The Southlands (and thus bring the Southlands into the core Lizardmen territory and the fluff) would allow greater friction with Nehekara, Nagashizzar, and the Undead contingent in general.

    2) An "exodus" from the Warhammer World via ancient Old One tech', re-energised by the rising winds of magic. Good-bye Lizards.

    3) Another great sacrifice like in the 'first' apocalypse, either changing the Lizardmen forever or eliminating them. I'm expecting at least some massive intervention: the geomancy used by the Slann is a great excuse for redrawing the map.

    I can't see GW removing the Lizards, given their place in the fluff, the difference they bring to the table (aesthetically, fluff-wise and in play), and the fact that Dinosaurs are always a big selling point!

    I really would like a mix of 1) and 2) - as much as I love dinosaurs, I feel like I have enough of them now and would like a bit more variety. Some ancient old-tech revived would be great, in the theme of how Stargate utilises 'ancient' alien technologies, or how the Atlanteans in Disney's Atlantis have access to great, ancient power but don't really know what they're doing with it. Less Sunflower on Anklyosaur and more monolithic, lovecraftian-esque doomsday device(s).

    Either way, I really hope the Lizards get out of the jungle for once and take in the fresh, doomed air of the world beyond!

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