This is a themed list but I would also like it to be decently competitive. The idea behind it is a group of skinks (and only skinks) is following around a herd of stegadon. Similar to how tribes of Native Americans followed around herds of buffalo. The stegadon entry inspired this, where it talks about the herds of stegadon around lustria. This herd is from the hidden Gwangee Valley. So only Stegadons, and skinks. Those are my two restrictions. Here's what I have: Lords Tehenhuain Lords total: 230 pts Heroes Skink Chief -BSB -Armour of Destiny -hand weapon -javelin -shield Skink Priest -Lvl 1 -Lore of Heavens -Dispell Scroll -Ancient Stegadon w/ Engine of the Gods Heroes total: 499 pts Core 1 x 11 Skink Skirmishers (Tehehuain goes here) 4 x 10 Skink Skirmishers 49 Skink Cohort -Full Command Core total: 632 pts Special Stegadon -Unstoppable Stampede Stegadon -Unstoppable Stampede 7 Chameleon Skinks 6 Chameleon Skinks Special total: 619 pts Rare Ancient Stegadon -Unstoppable Stampede -Sharpened Horns Ancient Stegadon -Unstoppable Stampede -Sharpened Horns Rare total: 520 pts Since I'm only using skinks I desperately needed some higher leadership. I would rather go with Tetto'eko but LD 6 isn't good enough. So I went with Tehenhuain to get up to LD 8. I also wanted to maximize the number of stegadons I could get. The plan is to combo charge with stegadons and my block of skinks, putting skinks on the corner so they can prevent the enemy unit from being steadfast. Any thoughts?
Yeah. Instead of skink priesting the stegadon, make one of your ancients an engine if you can afford it and have the chief ride a stegadon since he'll have a better save. Right now you're just asking for your priest to die if you ever charge with the engine, a 5+ armor save won't save him from anything. EDIT: This has the added bonus of an 18" BSB bubble.
Thanks for the recommendations! I definitely like an 18" BSB hold your ground. I'll just switch them out.