Well, this is my introduction as well as my first few impressions and questions about the mighty lizardmen. So as I said, introduction.., however, if you look at my profile.., you'll see that Ive already been here for about two years [it could be longer.., quite frankly..., I don't care enough to go and find out! ] anyway, I'm tristan, I'm from the netherlands and proud to say that I have a 3000 point lizardmen army at my command!] It started with a good friend of mine who was also rather interrested in this awesome, violent hobby! about a year ago.., so there we where..,standing in front of the shelves of our nearest gamestore... after standing there for what seemed hours..,we decided to grab a coffee in town and think it through even harder! after that I decided that lizardmen were the best choise for me, because they are awesome! I just loved the look of them, so I bought a regiment of saurus warriors and went ahead and give em all the cool poses with different weapons and stuff.., only to find out that that wasn't the way to go..., fair enough, I was, luckely, able to repose and re-arm them with spears. now a year later.., my army is almost complete.., my friend on the other hand, he changed armies.., so what initially started with dark elves, ended up in skaven, good for me though, giving me two armies to beat the crap out of! anyway, after playing a few battles, watching and reading hundreds of tactic and strategy guides, I was a believer in the skink army.., and it's something I still love to believe in, because they're great models, they've got great rules and they have the potential! I do believe they can take down a lot! but it doesn't work with me.., I'd like to know your thoughts. mine get shot or hacked to bits all the time! I know they're weak and shouldn't be used as a close combat unit, but they're not THAT weak, right? What am I doing wrong? am I doing something wrong? who else believes in the skink and how do you use em, have you got a skink army? I'd like to know your thoughts, that's all! so, that was a longer post than I was planning on, but oh well! Tristan.
Don't lose your faith in the skink army. However, not all skinks are created equal. Obviously, as I'm sure you have read, the chameleons are damn close to the best scouts and war machine killers in the game. That being said, they do have a weakness, but a small one. They are leadership 6. When the use of these is best when out of charge arcs, and preferable in close to force march blocking tests, they will sometimes fail their own marching test which only gives them a move of 6. Not a terrible thing but worth considering when your are moving your units around. I always try to plan on a failure, but with cold blooded, they are able to move better than I was planning. The trick is to keep them out of charge arks, prioritize correctly, and if out maneuvered, place them at an angle where, if they are charged, your opponents unit is left away from his bsb, general, and battle line. Besides the obvious advantages which I'm sure you have read about, this takes the unit out of the game for a turn, if not 2. This allows the rest of your army to focus on a smaller force. This tactic works great with one unit of chameleons. Imagine 3 units of chameleons and 8 units of skirmishers. The ability to control the pace of the battle and only have to focus on one unit at a time will win you almost every fight. As far as the rank and file skinks, with or without kroxs, there are many people on this site who love them. I don't. They are not fast enough, or a tactical enough unit, and the combat res thing is a killer. But thats just my opinion. My 2000 pt army has 101 skinks. It scales well, and haven't lost yet. Believe me, its not because I'm a great experienced player. I'm not. The skink gives the lizardmen player a tactical advantage over all of the other races. Don't give up on the skink.
hey helipilot13 just wondering what do you give your skirmishers the blow pipes or the javalins? and do you take anything else but skinks
all of my core is skink skirmishers with blowpipes. They are cheaper that the javelin skirmishers. Which is good, because I sacrifice them often, and can throw a lot more poison shots that the javelins. I place them in short range a lot, but a little farther than the move value of your opponents unit. This allows for double taping on the attack and the stand and shoot. 40 shots in one turn from one unit is good... I think. I alway take a slann with 20 Temple Guard. All core is skink skirmishers. Two units of 6 chameleons, 3 in bigger games. 2 units of 3 salamanders. 1 skink priest with a dispel scroll for defense. Thats my 2000 pt list.