AoS Think like it's chess! Improve your play!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Doons, Oct 17, 2023.

  1. Doons

    Doons Member

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    If our screens are our pawns, we shouldn't be so quick to send them off to die. Its ok if they die that is part of it but it must serve purpose, advancing overall goals.
    5 Ways to achieve your pawn-structure objectives


    Next we will look at 5 practical ways to achieve your objectives in regard to the pawn-structure.

    They are:

    1. Move pawns to support the development of your pieces or to help you control important squares
    2. Don’t allow weaknesses in your pawn-structure unless you have a good reason for doing so
    3. Aim to create weaknesses in your opponent’s pawn-structure
    4. Use weak squares near enemy territory to improve the roles of your pieces
    5. Increase your space by advancing pawns only once your pieces are in a good position to support them and protect the empty space behind them.
    So what does this mean in relation to aos?
    1. This ones pretty straight forward,important squares being objectives, pincer points, centre control.
    2. The "lure" a purpose full vulnerability ,perhaps a counter attack opening a flank to further board postion.Funnelling to wanted board position etc..
    3. Any number of ways to weaken an opponents pawn structure; lures , movement shananigans, mw from spells, ranged dominance.etc..
    4. This ones a little tougher to define. Terrain or pincer points even other screens or combat. This one kinda situational. reinforcing existing combat screening out board postion, or just occupying space to buy time.
    5. Understand and stay within "overlapping" threat ranges and buff bubbles. Keep in mind stuff like flying , summoning, spells etc.. The gap has to be threatened/protected.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
    Dreamkeeper and Kilvakar like this.

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