Hi everyone, So I picked up my first regiment of Saurus warriors yesterday and got everything assembled. So here is my first try at painting in over 10 years, with a limited palette at that, so be gentle The gold areas are really harsh, hopefully those will be cleaned up in my 2nd attempt. The base is empty as well - not sure how I'm going to base them yet. Oh, and the eyes haven't been painted on either - I don't have any colours I'd like to use at the moment. I was thinking a teal color for the eyes. Anyway, what do you guys think of the general colour scheme? Any ideas, crits, suggestions?
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... I think it looks good and is well painted. IMO the way you paint the shield will make or break the colour scheme. Any ideas yet?
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... I'm currently stuck on ideas for the shields. I want the shield to be a distinguishable color that i'll use across the army to pull everything together... Just gotta figure out what that's going to be...
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... Try a vivid Yellow for the shields. Might work. Good looking saurus already though ^^
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... Looks really good, kind of purple and gold LSU colors. I would avoid green for shields, unless you are going for a Mardi Gras theme.
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... Dude, I love the color scheme!! It looks pretty awesome IMO And on the shield, grab a couple of them and paint them (JUST A BASECOAT) different colors to see what you like. Paint them thin though just so you get a general idea and then you can prime over them again once they are done. But I kinda like the idea of an orange
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... Yellow and purple are somewhat complimentary, as is orange. I'd try either a dark mahogany-red, like scab red highlited up to gore, washed with devlan mud or a desert yellow style- maybe iyanden up to desert yellow, washed with mud or sepia
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... saurus looks great although its almost identical to mine, great minds think alike and all that. if you go to page two of this forum you can see my check my colour scheme thread from a week ago and my saurus are identical. glad not just me that likes those colours keep up the good work.
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... Thanks for the shield suggestions everyone! I'll show you what I come up with once i get some done. I've gone ahead and started painting the rest of them and i've got a few with basecoats and the drybrushing applied. The 2nd model turned out significantly better in my opinion... Took a little more time with this and the results show. I'll upload some pics later. @xisor - LOL! I went and found the thread and got to the page with the suarus warriors and you're right, they are almost identical! Great minds do think alike What did you use for the drybrushing of the scales? I have a limited colour selection at the moment so I mixed my basecoat liche purple with skull white to get the highlight colour. Maybe someday our armies will stand together, united against all those who oppose us!!
Re: Thoughts on my colour scheme... To add a little more depth to the model (and to make the highlighting stick out a little more) try taking just Skull White and highlighting with it. You would have to do it with a very conservative amount and to the very tiniest edges of the model and not even all the way around the scales. Its a very meticulous thing to attempt but like you, I have a very limited color choice and this is something I find that works real well Maybe mix a little bit of purple in until you get the hang of it at first so if you mess up it doesnt show too much
Colour Scheme Update! Hey everyone! Thanks for all the suggestions and tips. I've definitely taken them into consideration. I think I put together a nice shield, which actually went in a totally different direction than I was anticipating. I ended up going with a muted shield to really help the purple stand out immediately in the units and the weapons / sheidls will give an offset color to separate everything out on the field. Forgive the cheap flock - I'm on a tight budget right now and it's all I had laying around from years ago Purple lizzies for the win! And without further ado... here we go...
@the Albino Slann - Yeah i liked the way that turned out as well. I saw a similar technique on some figures in July's White Dwarf Issue. I took some chaos black mixed with a bit of white to make a dark stone grey and then once that was dry, I took Astronomican Grey and did random strokes at 45 degrees. Cheers! @Elmquasmash - thanks!
cool thx mate if you don't mind i think i'll steel your idea but switch it around i think odsidite (or what ever it called) should look more like a mix of stone and marble
Looking pretty good, One thing you might want to do is paint the eyes a bright yellow, and do a sepia or delvin wash over your gold bits.