Hello all, I need some skink musicians for my army. As I don´t like the metal version I´m looking for something "self-made". Unfortunally I´m running out of good ideas so fare. Anyone any tips on this? Regards!
It would probably be really easy to turn a blow pipe into a flute or if that's to similar another wind instrument with the right model and a little modification.
This would basically be a conversion, not scratch built. But with Skaven clan rats, there is a drum set that would work good for the skinks, just need to remove the fur from the arms. Guess you should be able to get the two bits you need cheap on ebay, as the set contain several.
I am using horns from Dark elves musicians: Just cut blowpipe parts from skink hand and replace them with horn parts. It fits almost perfectly.
I used one of the extra horn bits from the stegadon kit and kit-bashed it with one of the arms holding a blowpipe. Drilled a hole out of the other end.
I took a Saurus Musicians drum and put it at feet of a Skink. With more effort it could look cool, I just needed a quick musician for a tournament.
Gets out the gravedigging shovel to bring back an old post.... I'm looking at converting a couple of my older short bow skinks into musicians ended up looking here. You can make a pretty good musican using the big crested skink body, hacking the arm off a saurus warrior drum, and removing the head off a javelin for the drumstick. Glue the drum to the chest (hacked up side to skink chest to hide any imperfections and then you just need to make a strap so the skink is wearing it. I used a bit from a kroot sprue but green stuff etc would work just as good. Here is the result.
I was thinking could be a singer. When end times skaven book was released they had something called the 'Lektric Coven or something. Sounded to me like a 1970's American funk band. Don't know why but I really wanted to see skaven with little afros and bell bottoms like the Jackson 5. But you could just as easily give your skink Kiss face paint and a long greenstuff tongue! Or a little bow tie slicked back crest and a mocrophone to croon to the audience. Maybe a synth board and flock of seagulls styled crest. This may have been completely unhelpful, but I think it's fun!
Here were two from Laughing Ferret, supposed to be cheerleaders for blood bowl. blow horn/could be a MASSIVE blowpipe from a skink chief: and a drummer from one of the OOP models:
Here is my old command group Musician's horn is made of arm of skink from stegadon sunfire thrower glued together with pice of skink tail Sorry that they are barely painted ;-;