7th Ed. Tomb Kings!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Phoenix, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. Phoenix
    Jungle Swarm

    Phoenix New Member

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    Well, its says discuss the ''lesser'' (bah! :p) races here, so i figured why not start a thread for anything TK realated. Tell us about your greatest victories over the Lizzies! :)

    I think ive already mentioned my Carno beating Scorp somewhere else in the forum...

    Also, tactics vs lizzies. How do you deal with Krox? Terradons? JSoD. Ever faced a Slann? Persaonlly i havent, but i would like to. How did that go..?
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    For a long time the TK were one of my regular opponents, so I have lost to them many a time.

    What usually gives me the most trouble is their magic. It's so relentless that if they want to pull of a crucial charge then most of the time they will get it. Also, they have an annoying habit of bringing back models! >.<

    The bone giant is a real pain to play against as well, esp when it can pretty much charge 18". A lot of people don't rate it but don't believe it, out of all the TK rare choices it is the one I would least like to see on the other side of the table. A well placed pit of shades will soon put it to and end though :D
  3. Keith

    Keith New Member

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    Stonehambey you are a cock.

    Seriously though, I personally really like tomb kings, although it takes a long time to get good using them ( I'm still not there yet). Strength 7 stuff like kroxigors are a real pain as chariots are one of the best units the Khemri can field. Try putting a catapult shot on their heads and make them leg it.

    Bone Giants can be great although a little unreliable. I used to take a tomb prince in chariot with the icon of rulership as a flanking unit, who won me many a game against lizardmen, but the person I usually play against now takes 8 kroxigor and a JSoD in 2k games; very annoying.

    As for the Slann, it's basically a big pain in the arse. You have to hope they don't get good spells like pit of shades or cleansing flare which can really spoil undead's best laid plans. You could go for magic defence, but this limits your options in other areas. I haven't really found an effective answer to it other than 5/6 dispel scrolls or auto-breaking his unit in combat and chasing him down. A tall order, no doubt, but stranger things have happened.......
  4. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    As I have only played against the TK, Ill give some pointers based upon how my opponents have gotten massacres over me.

    (a) If you really want to mess with an opponent with too many Kroxigors, take a casket of souls. At ld 7, and with the majority of units besides the Saurus having lower than ld 6, casket of souls is devestating. Keep in mind that cold-blooded doesnt protect against it. If you place your casket right, you can clear lanes through which your chariots can advance.

    (b) If your oppenent breaks out a second generation slann, dont feel bad in bringing Kallida. If your opponent has not brought the 2+ ward, a slann wont last long. If he has, massive amounts of poison can put a dent in Saurus blocks.

    (c) Quite frankly, just bringing an insane amount of dispel scrolls is fine. If you shut down a slanns magic phase long enough to wipe out his army (which is quite easy since he'll be starting 600 pts down). And Saurus do not do well in protracted combats.
  5. nyyman

    nyyman New Member

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    Note that the 2+ Ward Save with the magic item (which name I just can't remember) only works against magic and normal missiles, not in close combat. In cc Slann has "only" 4+ Ward Save.
  6. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    I have played only once against the cursed tomb kings ( ive only played 3 games total)
    it was a team match with skaven and tomb kings vs my lizzies and brothers OG...
    it was a tie

    There magic is extremely relentless and it was hard to defend against.... just one ressurection spell leaked through and 4 models were back!

    they are definitely a scary army, im more afraid of their chariots than anything else though, as if they hit an expensive unit of saurs your entire plan can be ruined!
  7. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    Kroxies are no longer str 7 :( TK's no longer fear them.
  8. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Although we're not Strength 7, those Skink/Kroxigor units can build up a downright disturbing amount of combat rez, and I'm sure they hate our Engines of the Gods, with the D6 Str 5 against Undead with no armor saves allowed, or the 5+ Ward against shooting.
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Engine of the gods will indeed be pretty cool against TK.

    I haven't actually fought against LM, but when I dabbled with the undead priests for a while my TK enjoyed great success, never losing a battle. My worst fight was when I accidentally left my heirophant exposed to the charge of a manticore on turn 2, and his death made my army start crumbling. I almost conceeded, but fought on and found my army achieved a draw even with crumbling every turn.

    TK magic, if used properly, is just fantastic. It has such brilliant potential, not offensively but in supporting your army and really getting the most out of your units. They are definitely an army that needs to work together as a full army rather than a bunch of seperate units. I loved how they played, and got a few very big wins (game over end of turn 2/start of turn 3 against beastmen once) but enjoyed the fact that they worked so differently to most armies and still required tactics and a good list to win.

    Stopping their magic phase is key to beating them, as is halting the charge of the chariot units.
  10. MrPeaBuddy

    MrPeaBuddy New Member

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  11. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    IMO the most useful models in a TK army are the Ushabti, my unit of 4 is the only thing that won't fall over if the Heirophant gets killed, which happens all too often if an opponent brings Oxyotl! :clown:
  12. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Really, Oxoytl is really that good? I mean, I've never used him but he just seems a little expensive.
  13. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well he can snipe characters even if they are hidden in units IIRC, and in a TK army the heirophant has to be a priest so you're looking at no armour, t3, 2 or 3 wounds depending on if its a high priest or not. Maybe a ward but usually not. When you have a sniper rifle against something that soft it isn't really such a problem. So it isn't so much that Oxyotl is really good, just that he would be great against TK.

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