Hey y'all! Two short questions for people who go on tournaments regularly. I know that at least some tournaments require players to bring objective markers. My questions are: 1. How many objective markers do I usually have to bring? 2. How large should they be? On 25mm bases? Larger?
I was told that objective marker is 40mm base on one of tourments, but that was 40k. I don't think, however, that AoS is any different.
I remember an 6,7,8th Edition tournament that used 50x50 squares for take and hold objectives. The tournament provided them. Same tournament often specified bringing a messenger/courier or hero/spy which was sometimes a cavalry figure sometimes on foot.
It doesnt matter how big they are since you measure from the center. I use six 25mm tokens I got with the fancy version of the 7th ed space marine codex.
The AOS 2 promo tokens that were handed out during release in stores have 32mm size objective markers. I think those are "offcial" enough and have a nice size to customize them as desired.