8th Ed. trading spells

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Crillaz, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Crillaz
    Cold One

    Crillaz Member

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    I have a question about trading spells with a high slann.

    If a spell is traded away for a spell in heavens for an example, can the spell traded to in heavens be traded away in its turn? As I understand it the spells traded for uses the lore attribute in their own lore.

    How is spells traded for. Random or by your own choice?


  2. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    The ability to trade spells is the lore attribute called "Contemplations" for the Lizard version of High Magic. If you trade in a High Magic spell for a spell in say, the lore of fire, you can't change that spell, because the lore attribute for that spell is Kindleflame, not Contemplations. You can, however, change a High Magic spell for another High Magic spell if you wish.

    Also if you chose another lore than High Magic on your roster for your slann, you cannot change spells.

    When changing a spell using the High Magic "Contemplations" lore attribute, you roll up the spell as if he was a level 1 wizard: You first announce wich lore of magic you are rolling for (one of the 8 lores in the basic rule book, or High Magic from the lizardmen army book). Then you roll the dice: If you get a spell you have already, you can change the roll to whatever number you like, or you can change it with the signature spell of that lore instead.
  3. Crillaz
    Cold One

    Crillaz Member

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    Ok, thanks for the answer. :)

    When/ why would you like to trade to a high magic spell? Dont the slann already have the high magic spells if lore master?
    Or do you mean in a situation like: You have loremaster high but trades one spell away. Later on in the game you realize you want that spell again so you trade away another high magic spell to get the first traded away high magic spell?
    Confusing? :)

    I am new o the game so sorry if asking obvious questions.

  4. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    You're right, basically if i want the same spell again OR if i started without loremaster high (discount slann w/ high) and i want another high magic spell, since my selection is 4 instead of 8.

    This also makes high magic 4 spells versatile as i can have one of the signatures and always change them around (since they're signatures) ^^

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