Turning Blueblood Cold...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Dante Blackwood, May 13, 2015.

  1. Dante Blackwood
    Jungle Swarm

    Dante Blackwood New Member

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    Just thought I would throw a quick introduction out!

    I've been playing warhammer for coming up to two decades and, after the joy of Dark Elves under 7th edition I returned to one of my favorite armies, Bretonnians, for 8th.

    While still a favourite of mine, I do find myself being drawn to the stoic cohorts of Lustria as of late and, considering most of my armies are currently on hold due to a "general" finish (of course, no true army is ever complete but I am loathe to continue the same models with no real end objective!), I feel it is time to look to new beginnings.

    I am drawn to the idea of rugged infantry that can both deal out and take punishment (something lacking in Bretonnians and resilience not something elves are know for), a certain reliability, and most of all the models: It will be nice to go to a much organic (albeit bright) style painting with the scales and flesh, rather than the robes, clothes and armour I am more familiar with at the moment.

    I am planning to get a couple of battalion boxes in the next week or so and then will go from there really!

    Kind Regards

  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to the forum! Glad you crossed over to the..er...organic side :) LM are certainly a fun army to paint and fight with. We have quite an active community so just ask if you have any questions.

    We have a number of paint logs which might be of interest if you're looking for inspiration for scaly paint schemes, or you could just set up one of your own!
  3. Dante Blackwood
    Jungle Swarm

    Dante Blackwood New Member

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    Cool stuff!

    I'm not a massive fan of the turquoise that seem to be the GW standard! I'm instead interested in a darker colour scheme for the flesh, with dark scales highlighted with flares of bright colour.

    I am going to sit down this evening with my army book (once children and my wife are banished!) and think of an overall army theme, list and so forth.

    My initial thoughts are a rough basis on ancient Rome with the skinks acting as the velites, pelting the foe with javelins while the Saurus will act as the main infantry, the legions or principles, while the monsters will substitute in for the traditional war machines.

    Probably important to note that my gaming circle is "healthy competitive" so I wont be making power builds and so forth!

    n810 and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Welcome to the forum!!


    That sounds very interesting!
  5. Dante Blackwood
    Jungle Swarm

    Dante Blackwood New Member

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    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    I did indeed take my time to give the book another read last night and am going to go with my guts in regards to my army composition.

    I think that a Slann would make an excellent Imperial Emperor and so he, alongside his Temple Guard (I.E. Praetorians) will form the centre of my army! Of course, as a important person he wont be taking part in the main fighting himself but allowing his minions and guards to get stuck into the melee.

    The Legions will be composed of Saurus warriors with hand weapons and shield: i am thinking of going for a Dark Green (Caliban maybe) and then the scales even darker (Incubi darkness maybe) but with an ever so light drybrush of Red, almost so it looks like it would only show in certain lights and angles. (If you ever seen a tropical snake up close then you will probably get what i mean).

    The skinks i am unsure of: i clearly want them with javelins and shields (i think they are also the best tactical choice) but i am unsure of the colouring. Being fundamentally different from the Saurus and living shorter lives, i am thinking of brining them up a few notches and adding a tad more colour! I also want this to represent their agility and, for want of a better word, frantic nature: I want there to exist a real parallel between the slow, powerful Saurus to the darting movements of the Skink.

    I am looking for some models at the moment to try these paint schemes out on and when i do i will update you accordingly! (and in a more appropriate location upon the forums should it exist!).

    Kindest Regards
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    You might try adding a tiny bit of silver to the mix to give it a bit of iridescence. ;)

    Ps. The paint blogs is probably a good place to set up shop.
  7. Dante Blackwood
    Jungle Swarm

    Dante Blackwood New Member

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    I shall make camp in said section!

    Would you advise mixing silver with the red of drybrushing silver then red over the top!?
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Those will give you different results.
    (shiny red, or red with silver/red edges.)
    Might want to experiment and find out what you like best. ;)

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