i'm thinking to test sauros cavalary.. they look pretty good, and i never gave then attention.. but they're a little expensive, so what unit size, and how many units ? thanks mates !
I think for a test, and in most situations 5 is enough. Though you may want a magic banner, I love Haunchi's Totem. A tactic that has worked well for me was moving my max distance in my movement phase then activating the totem in my magic phase, this almost always gives me a 1st or 2nd turn charge, which is always nice. Just make sure that you line them up so they are strait in front of the unit you are going to charge, as that is how the totem works.
With the aforementioned tactic, keep in mind that you then dont need LOS at the beginning of the turn, meaning that you can screen your SCOR right up until the turn you charge with skinks (something especially useful considering their 3+ save)
Nice Tactic i think i'm testing them the next time i play. i'm taking one unit of 15x sauros warriors and put the cavalary with the banner, and see what happens then. Thanks Craken, Sohcahtoa.
Just a litlle thing Craken, are sauros warriors good ? are they really worth the points for such a small unit?, in terms of nunbers.
I dont mean to answer for Craken, but I would say that a unit of 15 should do you well. However, there is already a thread up discussing the merits of various Saurus Regiment quanities.
Thanks SohCahToa, but i'm portuguese and i get wrong a litllle easilly I ment Sauros cavalary, if they are good in battle, since there cost and small unit?
Pá, também és tuga? de onde? Translation: are you portuguese too? From where? ( Sop nobody thinks we are badmouthed foreign lizards LOOOOL )