AoS Unofficial Fan-made Seraphon Allegiance Pack

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by PJetski, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. PJetski
    Chameleon Skink

    PJetski Active Member

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    Hi everyone

    I made a Seraphon Allegiance pack. It's a first draft and I'm looking for feedback, so let me know what you think!

    Attached Files:

    n810, Aginor and Bowser like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    No file attached?
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    It's there, just need to click on the name.
    Looks awesome though, if you want to post it up in the Seraphon Battletome WIP thread we can incorporate some of this stuff, and if not it is still a pretty sweet stand alone.
    n810 and Aginor like this.
  4. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Some remarks:

    Wrath of Xaotl is nice.

    Gale winds is fairly useless (but that has more to do with flying being largely pointless to begin with, yes it has its tactical uses but it's fairly limited compared to what flying could be)

    Celestial Mending needs rephrasing, does it provide a shield and a heal?

    Arcane Meteorite seems comperativly overpowered without a range requirement.

    Drain Magic is a neat idea, but fairly useless with 90% of wizards only able to cast 1 spell anyway, I'd suggest putting a different punishement when the wizard fails his casting roll. E.g. no more spells this turn and he suffers X (saveable) wounds.

    How do prayers work? Do they just have a second skill or do they have to use them instead of using another skill like you have to pick which spell you cast? The effects are fairly nice.

    Foresight seems weak when compared to the others.

    It looks interesting, especially if we start combining some stuff from this with Bowser's battletome or my magic stuff.
    n810, Bowser and PJetski like this.
  5. PJetski
    Chameleon Skink

    PJetski Active Member

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    Thanks for the feedback!

    Regarding your specific points:

    Gale Winds is really good for stopping fast deathstar units like 12xNecropolis Knights or Stonehorns from getting a turn 1 charge. I was actually worried a 6+ was too low to cast.

    Celestial Mending should just be D3/D6 heal. The 6+ ignore was an idea I had but forgot to remove it before publishing.

    Drain Magic also reduces enemy casting rolls by 3, which makes it harder to cast and also easier to unbind. In my limited testing I have found that it shuts down casters (which fits perfectly with what a Slann ought to be doing!)

    Celestial Rites are like Stormcast or Khorne prayers. Any model with SERAPHON PRIEST can learn an additional prayer before the game begins and "cast" it on a 4+ it in addition to any other prayers they know. Currently the only SERAPHON PRIEST units are the Skink Priest, Skink Starpriest, and Engine of the Gods, but with the right command trait you can make any skink general a PRIEST and learn a prayer.

    Arcane Meteorite might need to be a 7+ to cast. I originally wrote it as "arcane bolt with no LOS or range" and a 6+ was appropriate for that. After adding the 10+ casting mechanic it seems to be a little bit too potent.

    Foresight can stack with other -1 hit effects, like the Priest prayer. Reducing hit rolls is extremely valuable at stopping units like Skyfires and Longstrike Raptors that get bonus effects on hit6+. That said, Foresight may not be powerful enough to compete with the other options. I can try changing it to work in all phases, not just the shooting phase.

    I have some custom warscrolls in the works that add things like a Kroxigor Hero, Ripperdactyl Hero, and a Skink Chief on a Troglodon. If anyone is interested I'll post them here later. I don't want to steal Bowser's thunder; I had no idea he was also working on a similar project
    Canas and Bowser like this.
  6. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Ah, I missed the "half it's movement" bit, that makes it considerably more usefull.

    reducing casting rolls by 3 seems fairly powerfull, but there's a fairly decent amount of spells that only have a base of 5 or 6. Those spells will still succeed about half the time (Slightly less). Reducing it by 3 is definitly an issue with casting big spells, but for the weak low level wizard that's only there to spam the 1 easy spell anyway it won't be as impressive as it sounds.

    Cool, wasn't sure how the prayers would work given that we don't have any.

    Foresight is mostly weak in comparison to the others, the ability itself is fine-ish.

    Also, Always steal bowser's thunder, he stole a bit of mine with my magic stuffs :p
    Bowser likes this.

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