Hello! I have 2 quite similar, yet different lists for an upcoming ETC competition. Id like to get some feedback wich one to take. List A: - slann: focus of mystery,high lore - oldblood: gw, cold one, stegadon helm, taisman of preservation - scar veteran: gw, cold one, BSB, armor of destiny - scar veteran: gw, cold one, armor of fortune - scar veteran: cold one, sword of might, enchanted shield, dawn stone - skink priest: dispell scroll,heavens - 28 saurus warriors, standard,champion - 4x10 skink skirmisher, javelin&shield - 3 ripperdactyl riders - 3 terradon riders - 2 salamander hunting packs - ancient stegadon: sharepened horns List B: - slann: focus of mystery,high lore - oldblood: gw, cold one, stegadon helm, taisman of preservation - scar veteran: gw, cold one, BSB, armor of destiny - scar veteran: gw, cold one, armor of fortune, luckstone - scar veteran: gw, cold one, dragonhelm, dawn stone - skink priest: dispell scroll,heavens - 28 saurus warriors, standard,champion - 4x10 skink skirmisher, javelin&shield - 1 bastiladon: solar engine - 20 temple guard: champion, standard: razor standard - 6 chameleon skinks - 5 chameleon skinks
I like the first list. I like fliers over chameleons in tournaments. Most people in that scene deploy in such a way that camos are less useful. Although I'm not sure if it's worth taking a slann if you aren't going to tool him up. The amount of cav. You characters you have I'd lean towards beast priests trying to bubble savage beasts. Maybe another ancient steg. Best of luck.
I like the A list more. Reason: Only 20 TG are not going to cut it. Although camos are great. GL with the games!
I cant remember any time i took more than 20 tg. Only times they were decimated was against ogre death star. With bastiladon and hand of glory, they have pretty good chance to strike first wich makes them a deadly tool
the compac says "• Scar-Veteran Saurus on Cold One/Each 3 (or fraction) Salamander models, max 3" Doesn't that mean your first list is a no?
the latest restrictions: • Skink Skirmisher units (max 4)/Skink Cohort unit/Flying, non-Frenzied, units or characters/Salamander models, max 14
Then I would say the first list looks much stronger. Though I'm not sure what the 1 unit of rippas is doing, the rest looks solid. Gives you strong answers to just about everything. Just try and take an innocuous looking steg so he's not shot at until the scarvets are dead.
well, I came up with a 3rd option wich I will use: -slann, lormaster of high, dispell scroll - oldblood on cold one, talisman of preservation, potion of foolhardiness, gw, la - scar veteran on cold one, bsb, armor of destiny, gw - scar veteran on cold one, sword of might, dawnstone, enchanted shield - 24 saurus warriors, fc - 3x10 skirmishers with blowpipes - 2x10 cohort with musician (these gonna be the bunkers for the oldblood and bsb till they get in range) - bastiladon with solar engine - 2x8 chameleon skinks (i know, their number isnt optimal) - 2 salamander hunting pack - salamander hunting pack, with 1 extra snack - ancient steg, sharpened horns I might consider replacing camos with 2x3 terradons (extra handler gone). Chamos can rape warmachines in the first turn, but they are easily fleed, like terradons. The chamo vs terradons is a personal taste question, or is one of them superior to the other?