ok this weekend im goign to my first tournament with lizzies. this is the list i will be using: 2x skink priest lv2 on eotg 1schroll and diadem 1schroll and rod of storm Skink chief on ancient Stegi War spear General 2 x10 skirmishers 10 ranked skinks 3 terradons Stegadon 3 razordons 1995 points my idea is to put the normal stegadon upfront together with razordons at one flank and ranked skinks on the other. behind this stegadon one EOTG and the chief will be depoloyed, flanked by the skink skirmerhers. and at the very behind the last EOTG. the first steggie will be there to charge up front or take charges and pin up the enemy.if the enemy is pinned the chief will charge in, with if needed the first `EOTG. the last EOTG stays behind as reserve, and giving all my steggies even in combat a wardsave, as the other EOTG in the combat will do the damage spell. the skink skirmerers are there for support, to shoot off a rank bonus before any combat will be going. the ranked skinks are there to redirect any dangourous charges ( ie pumped up knights, large S stuff) and act as a speed bump, if the situation allows it. the razordons also act as speed bump, and I will try to intimidate units to charge them. ( duhh) if not they will take care of normal infantry. the terradons are just support in all the manners they can bie, ie mage/warmachine hunting etc.. so what do you guys think, and what armies will be easy or a big trouble for me? and any tips to handle with armies that can be a trouble?
depending on the terrain I think that Wood elves might be a little bit of a problem, They can easily stop a stegadon charge with tree singing from mages, treemen and more mages. however, that's your smallest problem. otherwise a bunch of horde armies like skaven could outnumber you greatly and so on... different Elves could shoot you down with war machines. but you got terradons to cover that up. But you could always use burning alignment from each EoTG if your up for undead/wood elves/daemons. A great list. Just watch for different gunlines from dwarfs/empire/skaven and you'll be fine.
i know how treesinging can be a bitch i'm a vetaran wood elve player so i know their nasty tricks. ( and i enjoy to play these tricks if im the elf ) it is ind treesinging is the worst spell from the elves besides from ariels blessing. i dont think wood elves will be a big problem. only their dragon, treeman and treekin have the S to actually hurt me, and they got the T and armour that is to much for skink shots. horde armies wont be a problem becouse outnumbering doesn't really matter becouse i got 4 stubborn units on LD 7/6. ind haven't thought of gunlines, or an empire list with stank and pope. and the pope+stak lists are very popular here. so have to watch out for those. any tips to handle those? charge with skink chief? ( massive impacts)
I haven't ever meet a gunline by myself, but hell have I seen people get smashed. but charging the chef could be a good idea, what else should he do? but remember to take out warp lightning cannons, empire cannons, great cannons, volley guns and well other cannons that pack a punch with the terradons in first hand. I don't have anything else to say about these, just wish for luck. (but, oo ye tree singing is a bitch, loved it when I trapped some chaos warriors, every unit of them in a cliff pass with a wood. ;D)
Remember you will not get a wardsave in combat as it only protects against ranged attacks that come from at least 12 inches away from the engine.
As i read it it says attacks that come from 12 of the engine. As long as the enemy unit in combat is more away then 12" and my units within then they get as save.
sorry, but it stands "friendly units bla bla 12" bla bla from ranged attacks originating from more than 12" bla bla bla"
oh crap, have to look it up carefully next time.. aso have to change my plans now, i think then both engines will charge in at the same time, doing both the ranged attack power followed by their impact and combat.
I just summed up your pts out of curiosity, I only count 1950 pts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if thats the case I would add a jungle swarm just to ensure a charge from one of your steggies
Ah! Sorry, my bad! Didn't sum up correctly anyway, cool dino list. I would deffinetly like to see the face of my opponent when I fields 4 steggies in a 2k match
hehe ind i don't think i will be nominated for sportsmanship but swarms really suck with the 7th edetion. only in massive battles they are worthy becouse then you can field like atleast 4 in a unit. everything less is useless becouse of the crumble rule :s @hellbreaker:: no i really thought the wardsave was for every friendly unit within 12" that isn't targeted by enemy unit within 12" of the engine.
Yeah, but still they're the cheapet unit we got and I think units of 2 can hold most thing off our flanks. exept for some heavy hitters like frenzied chaos warriors, but you seldom see them on your flank , I think they are worth the poinst. (off cours that depend on who your up against, but I have manage to kill a unit of 5 marauder horsmen full com on their charge with 3 swarms and then hold a unit of 5 chaos cavalry for 2 turns. Worth it IMO
Well the tournament was al good succes. Became 8th of 20 playets. Had 2vampires to battle which worked out quite well. 2minor wins. Last player was brets which forfeigned at 4th turn becouse his ld checks sucked(terror, panic for 25%) and my steggies kept rampaging and razordons shot down lots of peasants. Maybe i will post a better report monday, but for now my conclusion is that it owns big time. But in normal combat i lack attacks to really keep going.
1ste battle was against a vampire with alot of zombies ( well no to much iether), a grave guard unit, soem dire wolfs, and 2 units of wriaths. things really went fast in this battle, except his magic. he had quite lot with a lv 4 and 2 lv 2s and a cart. i wasnt afraid of the raising zombes thought. if they were getting smashed, they would eventually die all die. 2nd turn i managed to blast with both engines and a forked lightning 3 and 2 wraiths. the last one pinned a unit of skirmish skinsk for the enitre battle, managing to get them fleeing the last turn ( not really intresting ) and my chief and normal stegadon charged a 20 strong zombie unit. ( behind them he had raised another unit of 20 zombies). killing like 15 on the impact hits and crumbling the whole unit in one turn ( yeah i rolled evil the whole tournament with my skink chief impacts) this meant the normal stegadon overran in the raised unit and the chief went overran just slightly beside the unit. in my next turn i charged in with a engine and terradons in the locked zombie unit ( which was kind of same size becouse of my impact hits and he be raising again) again rolling 6 on my new impact hits meaning the whole unit vapourised again ( yay 50 points...lame) the dire wolfs had been been shot by my skinks ( who were later locked by th eleft over wraith) and killed 3 of the 5. he being smart moved the wolves behind a building and left them there. ( negating me points). the grave guard with lv4, lv 2 and a wraith king charged my razordons who killed 1 ata stand and shoot ( 5+ arms and 4+ ward ie banner) and got sluaghtered. on the other hand my other engine charged the ghouls with a necro. killing the whole ghoul unit by engine power/impact/attacks and CR except for just the necro ( argh needed one more kill) at the end of the battle he had one unit of skinks an razordon unit and me having almost everything except one wraith, halve unit wolfs and his like 1000 points worth grave guard unit ( inc characters). Minor victory for me. Unit of the match: skink chief with stegadon: killing massively zombies at the charged meaning he didn't really got pinned so he would be flanked and the like the new battle was agaisnt another VC: though a different list, less wizards and less models, but he did had 5 blackknights, 5 blood knights ( ouch) and a coach. i started again and moved everything. in his turn i realised i did a mis calculation on the coach movement, meaning one of my engines( had joined ranked skinks) was charged by it and the blood knights moved in for the kill i lost but stayed at a roll of 6 ( pfew) my other engine charged in and my chief charged a block of zombies. the engine damage power both went of just giving the coach 1 wound ( argh T6 and wardsave) a priest shot a forked lighting at the blood knights killing one ( yay for me). the impact hits manage to do one wound to the coach, the combat ended by a draw. ( stagadons own attacks didnt do any thing the whole combat). the chief rather destroyed again all the zombies in one go ( leaving 2 left wwich vapourised. i overran in safety of the woods ( ie blackknightss). razordons on the other hand got charged by the black knigths in the flank and zombies in the front. managhed to stadn and shoot 3 whole zombies ( lame) the also got slaughtered. the black knights overran and so far they couldnt see the engine vs coach combat and so i to turn around to assist next turn. on the other hadn the blood knights had charged in killing all the skinks and letting one of my engines flee ( the one that was in the ranked skinks). and got overrun ( one steggie down, 3 to go). my turn. i managed to put my chief at theflank of the generals unit and my normal steggie at save distance in front of the generals unit. he turned to face my skink chief. my engine went off and killed the 5 blackknights at once ( 6 hits, 6 wounds) but again did one wound ot the coach ( which was like healed back and again wounded etc. it didnt really matter) my chief and normal steggie slaughtered the whol eunit around the general making him go poof. yes crumbling time!!. his remainign zombie she had raised somewehere said poof but the blackknights and ghouls stayed. well evenrtually his coach crumbled to and my normal steggie charged the ghouls with a vampire. but fled back and got ovverun. the black knights killed the other engine. another minor loss. i had lost my razordons, all my skinks 2 engines and a normal steggie. he had left was blood knights and a vampire with ghouls. unit of the match: skink cheif again, massacring again a whole unit zombies by himself and causing crumbling to his army by killing his general by CR. the last battle went against a bretonnian. who already started to complain he couldnt do anything against my army... he had 2 errant units ( without errantry banner , like WTF!!!) 2 realm units, one joined bby BSB and the other by general. a unit of grail knights 2 units of bowmen and 1 unit of @arms. well he already started to deploy quite stupid. he put both his bowmen in front of my main focus ( i deplopyed everything close to each other at one flank) joined by errants and BSB realms. the other halve went on the other side of the table (????) i started becouse of him praying. moved everything up to a save distance. and my raxzordons to some hardcover feature in the middel of the table. killed some peasants with magic but that was it. he move his other flank as far as possible. and his errants agaisnt my main focus moved a bit. his peasants marched in so that he could redirect my charges (but he came inches short to really threaten) he shot one wound of a stegadon with hisbowmen ( lucky shot ) the rest of the army moved a bit sideways and being all tactical. with the normal stegaodn charing on of the peasants who fled. ( and later never returned) my razordons fired at his bsb realms, killing 4 knights with 24 hits ( :O) this unit panicked and fled of the table ( ok...that was quite f*cked up for him, cause now i was realling owning) this flank his errants didn't choose to charge the chief, and hedl on their impetious but fled becouse of terror right of the table. ok. there was one unit of peasant fleeing and a other one was degraded to 7... the rest was all gone. my engine turned around hiding behind the hard cover feature for the upcominb grails an generals realms. my razordons went around the corned and shot the @arms to bits ( leaving 2 of them, but he said you can have them and took the whole unit of the table ) my skirmishing skinks leaped infront of those 2 knight unit. my terradons dropped rocks on his single mounted mage killing it instantly. the chief and normal stegadon turned around to assist the engines. his grails charged the skinks who fled but got caught leaving his grails open for 1 engine wchich did charge. he broke out of combat but ran f the table. leaving my stagedon ( in unit of ranked skinks) open for a rear charge of his general and flank of his errants. i chalenged and he did only 1 wound on my skink crew and i didnt do anything in return iether. 6 other ranked skinks got killed and i stubbornly stayed. at the moment i said i would charge in with my other engine in the rear of the realms he quit and gave me a massacre. so i ended 8 of 20. unit of the match" razordons panicking the bsbs realms and killing 2 whole units of peasants was quite pleasant. my conclusion is that this army lacks the attacks to do much damage and i really need the impact hits and engine power to hold myself steady in combat and hopefully win. im not sue of the razordons but i think tey have quite much potential in this army. giving me the massed ranged attacks i need before i get in combat ( ie degrading ranks) the stegadon howdah weapons are not used tat much becouse they are mostly locked in combat or running to combat most of the time. i dont really killed anything that is worth mentioning with them. i also lack leadership, but on the other hand stubborn doesnt use generals ld, so mostly i will be testing on LD 6 no matter what. my idea of dumping a engine for another chief with the helmet is not a doubt anymore. i don't need it becouse only my skinks and razordons will be using the LD8, and for the rest my army is immune, fear/terror and stubborn. only the real ld tests are break tests, and those are mostly done on stubborn 6 or 7. I'm very happy how this army worked out ( except for the bretonnian player who kept whining becouse of its cheesieness and how he couldn't do anyting against it) and so i don't need to readdept my army and my fully bought army is of good usage. ( i bought all the models at the tournament itself ( except for the 4 stegadons and 3 terradons wchich will be warhawks with skinks)
Humble didnät you have only two Core units in 2000 point battle? Otherwise wel done. Winning Vampire Counts is always hard.