Hello folks! I just returned from quite the vacation and see that Lustria Online is bustling. I've managed to keep up somewhat with the AoS stuff but I've been out, so what's new with all of my scale-brothers? haha. As a side note, I will be transcribing and posting the fluff updates AoS creates for the game. I've already seen and confirmed the Lizardmen have survived as the Seraphon(word play on Seraph? as one of the forces of Order along with the Red Slayers(some human merc faction), Aelfs(obvious), Steamhead Duardin (Dwarfs), and Sigmar's Space Mar...er...I mean Stormcast Eternals which were forged by Grungi and Sigmar. I've also seen the world is divided by the 8 lores, so the Realm of Heavens, Fire, Death, Beasts, etc. and then the good ole realm of chaos. Major forces: Order: Stormcast Eternals (New army) Red Slayers (Human Mercenaries) Steamhead Duardin (Dwarves) Aelfs (United Elves) Seraphon (Lizardmen) Chaos: Chaos Champions (WoC) Brayherds (Beastmen) Skaven Daemons Destruction: Orruks (Orcs) Grots (Goblins) Ogor (Ogres) Death: All undead, unclear if there's any separation between the dusty and wet ones. Also it appears each Realm had it's own God in a prior age when Sigmar forged the Great Alliance. Heavens: Sigmar Death: Nagash Beasts: Gorkamorka Rest are unclear. Grimnir appears to have died battling some female monster god that was fire-based. Age of Sigmar takes place after a massive time skip, there was a Golden Age where all the 8 realms lived in harmony before the Alliance began to fragment by things like Grimnir's battle and GorkaMorka leaving to go do something else. Chaos invaded during this fragment and have conquered every single realm with the exception of the Realm of Azyr which was sealed shut behind an impenetrable gate with Sigmar and Grungi making the Eternals by forging an army from "Sigmarite" which is the new super metal and apparently was the Golden Core of the old Warhammer World. These Stormcast are mortal heroes (potentially of different races) reforged into powerful new forms. Sigmar built the new world thanks to the help of some insanely powerful dragon he bumped into in space named Dracoth...er...there's more letters but I forget the entire name. Dragon reset the core of the world and Sigmar gave him a gift that was a chunk of Sigmarite, so a bond was forged which is why some Eternals ride "Dracoths" which appear to be the Dragon's children. That's the main meat of what I have for now. The Age of Sigmar is the opening of Sigmar's war against Chaos to attempt to retake the 8 realms and kill the Chaos Gods once and for all. Obviously this allows GW to write a TON of fluff as control of the realms can shift a bunch. Not sure where the other races are hiding but I imagine all will be revealed on July 4th. Unclear if this is 9th or merely a subgame to generate interest leading to 9th, most of my sources say 9th will follow after AoS in like August or September. Hope everyone's hanging in there alright! -Loremaster of Sotek
seraphon huh? Well, its good to see its official we're still in the line up. Quite a bit of story change up!
What? No-one else saw a slight similarity between the two? >> Sounds a bit more interesting, I'll definitely be having a look when more info becomes available, if the book is only 4 pages long, then it might not be a massive amount, unless separate book factions are then released.
I am too cheap fer cable, or netflix, or Sat TV, or whatever a lizard has to have to pull in Game of T, so ... not so much.
@Overlord of Serpents you've pretty much converted most of the details on the fluff released so far. Only a few other minor details remain: Shyish, the Realm of Death, contains the only gates to The Underworld. Speeaking of... Nagash has survived and has usruped other death gods to become the only God of Death. He's still up to old tricks, eschewing the alliance made during the End Times to peruse his own goal of power. Tyrion exists (presumably as a God of Light), and has taken up arms against Slaanesh whilst he/she is still engorged on the souls he/she ate during the End Times. Chaos has secured dominion over all realms besides Azyr, with the survivors having to convert to Chaos to survive. By the looks of the WD teasers for next week, whilst Khorne is battling Sigmar for the Gates of Azyr, Nurgle is raiding Ghyran, Realm of Life..
It says we show up out of nowhere, maybe on our temples and chunks of lustria we exist outside of these realms and float inbetween them, air dropping from the heavens on the backs of our mighty dinosaurs while Kroq-gar impales Nagash, Sigmar and Tyrion whilst using his gauntlet to Iron-man blast the chaos gods saying "Your not the only one from the old Cannon who made it ya warmblooded bastards"
I would wildly speculate that we are instead still in our impossibly ancient pyramid ships, bound to no realm, but with access to all. As for why we now call ourselves the "Seraphon," I might wildly speculate that 1) we found some leftovers of the Old Ones and remade ourselves, 2) our millennia of wanderings between worlds otherwise changed us somehow, 3) Evolution!, 4) Magic. ...or maybe there are lots of sephiron groups, each stuck in different worlds... ...or Beasts. I'd probably be OK with that
To be honest, Lizardmen who wander between realms/worlds is at the least, far more open to story and campaign ideas with the other races than before. Hell, The End Times basically made sure next to NO ONE knew that we even left the planet on PYRAMID SPACESHIPS.
We are half-Borg since we get pyramids instead of squares. It would be even more Borg-ish if they gave us back some lobotomized human slaves, haha.
Maybe that's a rule if we're outnumbered in a game of AoS: roll a 4+ and everything your opponent have is flattened by a pyramid. You win. If we pop out of nowhere we might as well do it with style. Pyramid flattening style.