7th Ed. vampire units auto breaking

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by lupercal, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    if a undead units loses to a terror causing that out numbers them do they auto break/auto crumble

    to be a little more precise on that if you had 2 stegs hit a unit and outnumber since they would essentaly cause fear on the unit what would happen since they would have a unit str. of 20 would the unit auto crumble since losing to a fear causing unit means auto break i lost my VC book somewhere so i can't look it up

    was just thinking that this would be a nice thing to use against those grave guard units and such if it works
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    No, undead never fall back from combat, fear/terror doesn't effect them at all.

    They would obviously start crumbling if they lost the combat, but the amount they lose is based on combat resolution, the whole unit wouldn't disappear because of your terror.
  3. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    that is what i thought but i was kinda hoping for a different answer but can't get it all
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah they can be tough to drag down. Especially when your magic defence isn't brilliant - if you leave even one model in a unit left alive you could well find next turn the whole unit is back to full strength. :S

    If you have two stegadons at your disposal charging the one target, set them up so you get a flank charge with one of them. The US10 negates ranks and give you +1 for the flank charge so your combat res is 4 better than it would have been. Getting into their flanks does seem to be the best way to get rid of them, and chock charges. The more damage/combat res you can inflict in a single turn the better.
  5. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i ran into a grave guard unit that just dept growing

    it had 3 characters in it and had regen i flanked it and still had problems was trying to think of something to counter it

    granted my idea would have only worked if i caught it early but still... with stegs charge range
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    There are a few builds for GG units that are very nearly impossible to break. They can put a BSB in there with a banner that gives the whole unit regeneration (which stupidly works for crumbling now), a lord that can raise them and which has a sword where every wound inflicted heals a GG, and the third character... Well, over the top maybe.

    Generally, when facing VC characters the best way to kill them is to destroy their unit and make them crumble from combat res. Especially the general. In the case of the stupidly overpowered GG unit with several characters, you need to kill them first especially that BSB to make them a bit more vulnerable. Or just ignore the whole unit and focus on the rest of the army, it only has M4 and is close to 1000 points. In general, GG are very tough and defintely too easy for the VC player to raise back, they should be d3 wounds maximum, but quite often from the hardened centre of the VC line and if you can defeat the GG unit (even ganging up on them) then you are a long way to defeating the army, the rest will usually start falling apart itself.

    If you have an engine, keep it nearby to inflict casualties in the magic phase. This gets rid of a rank bonus and possibly an outnumber, as well as weakening them a bit. Combine it with multiple charges designed to get maximum combat res and you can sometimes bring them down. It is one of the toughest and most critical units in the game; either focus on it with everything or ignore it and destroy the rest of the army.
  7. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    sorry to mislead you he actually didn't have 3 characters in the unit he just had the helm on a vamp outside it and was giving them his WS it was a nightmare deathstar unit i lost that one pretty badly so i have been trying to find a way to break it down cause basically i need to get lots of damage in a hurry otherwise they will win by attrition not to mention that GG are pretty good unit

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