8th Ed. Vanilla Slann

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by themuffinman873, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    There are probably several reasons not to have a vanilla slann (just a plain slann with no extras). I want to know if anyone has tried this out a few times, and to see how they feel. How does a vanilla slann rank against other lvl 4 casters of similar cost, how would you utilize the slann's natural advantages (high wounds, ward save) without throwing away your general?
    How many points (magic stuff and abilities) do you think are necessary to make a Slann viable?

    The only benefit I see to a vanilla slann is nobody would expect a slann at 1200 points (or maybe they do?), and you can pick any lore.
  2. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    If you value the 4+ ward save the same as the Talisman of Preservation then the Slann is on par points wise with a Elf Lv4 wizard, plus he has 2 more wounds, better toughness, and coldblooded (but only half the WS). He also bunkers in TG better than any other wizard can be bunkered.

    Originally I thought that you were paying a premium for the opportunity to purchase the extra Slann-abilities, but comparing him to Elf Lv4's he comes out pretty far ahead.

    Although, you can can a naked Elf Lv4 for a bit less than a naked Slann, so there is a Slann-tax (it just comes in the form of a 4+ ward!)

    The benefit to a naked Slann is that you can afford to bring a fully equipped Old Blood (and still afford to make your Slann the BSB!) And that can run you less than a fully decked out Slann in some cases!
  3. tektekboom

    tektekboom New Member

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    This is pretty much the only reason why I would take a naked Slann. Also i've noticed that the ward save and increased wounds are more for miscast preservation than anything else. This becomes especially useful as Slann are usually the caster most LM players look to when throwing out 6+ dice at a spell.
  4. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Depending on the points level, you can actually give the Slann a few toys and still fit in an Oldblood, who is usually around 250-270, by shuffling Dispel Scrolls and Battle Standards into heroes. In fact, that's what I used to do with a WD Slann - no other items, just a very useful multi-role caster.

    An entirely vanilla Slann is, I think, completely valid - especially if you are going to go for any of the BRB Lores. With Death, for instance, you don't need the additional power dice generation (getting it from the lore attribute anyway). A Slann is only ever concerned by Power Drain and Detonation miscast results and you can use the points saved as per above to get him some additional miscast protection, and that's it, or just accept that he's a caster wizard who might die.

    The only issue? The Slann always has to be your General. Great as he's Leadership 9, not so great if he falls down a hole.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Note that if you outsource the BSB duties to a Hero, you can still have your Slann take leadership tests on Ld10 if you bunker him in a Temple Guard unit with the Standard of Discipline sections.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I've done it plenty of times. Works great. Roughly 600pts nets you an oldblood on CO with GW, armour or destiny and dawnstone. Slann with BSB and scroll. No other characters.

    With 625pts in core you have half your points to put on special/rare and you still have a lvl4 wizard, BSB, scroll and a very powerful combat lord. What's not to like?
  7. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I've used him once. in 2000 point game.

    Slann lvl4 Beast
    Scarvet w/ Cold one BSB
    Skink priest lvl 2
    Skink priest lvl 2


    Was pretty solid. 3x Wildform, Kadon, Amber Spear, Curse of Arannheir, Savage Beast & Pann's

    I destroyed a huge unit of khorne Chaos Knight with Chaos Lord inside (I didnt attacked him, he just needed snake eyes for not breaking) in the second turn. My opponent conceed at the end of the round.

    I did a bubbled savage beast of Horros, my Scarvet with Gold sigil sword (INI 10 attacks) delivered 7 attacks of S8.
    My cheap Öldblood with extra hand weapon & Wyssans delivered 9 attacks of S9.

    It was so easy to cast all spells at -1 value due to EOTG and sometimes on -2. Casting boosted amber spear on 13+ is awesome. I forced the Daemon prince to charge against a skink cohort for not taking another attemp (first was dispelled by scroll).
  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    EOTG + Book of Ashur + Wyssans Wildform on a beast model + level 4 slann = casting wyssans on 3+ :jawdrop:
  9. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Awesome! Thank you for the feedback, this is intriguing. Now to alter the topic, what might you add if you had 50 or 100 points to add to the slann. Is HC + channeling staff really the cats meow, or is a grounding rod (for bunker slann) or forbidden rod a better choice. Let's assume for a high cast value school of magic, ie not fire.
  10. olderplayer
    Chameleon Skink

    olderplayer New Member

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    I really think that the key is to take Soul of stone to reduce the bad miscast rolls and maybe still keep him the BSB.
  11. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Interesting choice. I can see that coming in handy for the slann bunker. I seem to wipe out all my TG every time I bunker a slann.

    I just tried out the (mostly) vanilla slann idea. Just went ethereal with the 2 spell resistance talisman and lore of shadow. 2+ saves to magic spells, immunity to non magical attacks, and the smoke and mirrors makes for one heck of a slann. At a much more affordable price than the full toolkit + bunker. We ended up in a situation where his general on flying mount engaged with my slann, but I was etheral. So we were just locked in a battle of nothing for the remainder of the match. Is this really what happens?
    We followed the unstable rules, but it does not really seem to apply after the charge when it is a 1v1.

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