8th Ed. Viable army lists with Carnosaur

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by walkertexasranger, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. walkertexasranger

    walkertexasranger New Member

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    So here's the thing. From what everyone tells me the outstanding Lord pick is by far the Slann. I get that.

    BUT the thing is I like dinosaurs. A lot. Yes I know that there are many issues with them (take up lord points you could be spending on Slann, vulnerable to cannons, can't take infantry blocks out on their own anymore, etc etc)........but has anyone got an all-comers list containing a carnosaur that has actually done well at tournaments? I note that stardragons seem to be enjoying a resurgence in HE lists, and some of them doing ok.

    Why not Carnies? Discuss
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    To answer the why not carnies, it's simple. The Slann is a far more survivable lord choice and it fills many rolls perfectly.

    That being said, I've also been itching to try a list with the Carnasaur and no slann. My thoughts for him would be Armor of Destiny and the item that gives you magic resistance 3. Then a halberd or a simple magic item. I think I was also thinking of putting on the carnasaur pendant.

    Then I was gonna put in a couple of stegs, if the points allow both engines of the gods if not one eotg one with the giant bow. Hopefully would draw fire from him long enough to get to cc, where he would dominate I think.

    Was thinking a few units of cold ones and lots of saurus, maybe even a krox unit. Then salamanders for ranged support.

    Haven't worked out an actual list but that's where I was going with it.
  3. walkertexasranger

    walkertexasranger New Member

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    The HE lists w/ stardragon that I have seen work well seem to revolve around a combination of buffing the living daylights out of the dragon (at the expense of the lord) and avoiding combat for as long as possible (knowing that the entire opposing army is going to attempt to shoot at/chase the model around the board).

    But I'm not sure how we could do this with a Carnie.......for a start the whole non-flyer/frenzy business makes it tricky to avoid combat. Plus we don't have any magic items that buff the steed.....
  4. Warpaintoz
    Jungle Swarm

    Warpaintoz New Member

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    I was contemplating running a list where the Carny was supported with 2 steps and a unit of CoC, giving the potential war machine user a tough choice about what to shoot. With supporting chameleon skinks and a cube of darkness, it should be possible to whittle down the enemies firing time to a single turn, at which point you should be on top of the enemy, chomping.
  5. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    As far as I've seen the carnosaur is kind of like the screaming bell. At one point in time enemy players would groan if you even pulled out the model but these days just kinda shrug.

    The tough reality to face is that with every rules change some models shine and others get shifted to the back burner. Carnosaurs just aren't the unit blenders they used to be so nearly everyone you speak to is going to tell you that unless you can field BOTH a Slann and an Old Blood on Carnosaur (around 2500 pts. this becomes viable) then the Carnosaur, on it's own, just isn't plausible in a competitive atmosphere.

    Edit: Oh, and if you truly want to give it a go I suggest taking iron curse icon. 6+ ward save against warmachine attacks that applies to both rider and mount for only 5 points. Not great, but it helps.
  6. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Having two priests with Iceshard likely helps as well. I've been doing some fiddling with this as well. It's just such a cool model...
  7. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    I've been running games lately around the 1500-2000 mark to test out my Carnosaur builds against an Empire player who fields 2 Great Cannons.

    Charge ASAP - Basically, if you can get this thing in combat with support from a pair of Heavens skinks there is almost nothing he can't handle.

    Terrain - At least one decent sized LOS blocking piece, like a tower, is very helpful. Additionally try to get a couple walls or fences spaced out on the table so you have something to stand behind and possibly stop a projectile.

    Magic Support - Two skink priests, with iceshard blizzard on each (and curse of the midnight wind if you're really lucky) makes a really big difference.

    Charmed shield - less than a normal shield (...) and might stop that first projectile against your Lord; the Carnosaur just has to trust to luck on that one. Ironcurse icon isn't a bad idea.
  8. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Charmed shield and a +4 ward talisman might be better than AoD for helping with that first cannon hit.
    Also if your fielding a Carn you can field cowboy scarvets safely becuase they are way lower on that priority target list.
  9. Pvthudson01

    Pvthudson01 New Member

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    Ill be honest I have been itching to try this also as I love dinosaurs since I was like 8

    I play casually so I wonder how he would fair in a normal 2k game just running up the side of the board and going Jeff Goldblum on people?
  10. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Perfectly reasonable to go. If they complain remind them how annoying a slann can be.
  11. Warpaintoz
    Jungle Swarm

    Warpaintoz New Member

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    I say go for it, which I've done! At the very least you'll have the figs ready for the next edition of the army book which, given the preference for big grub blues the new books seem to have, should have an improved Carnosaur in it. If not, it still a damn cool model to paint!
  12. Hinge

    Hinge New Member

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    Mine has

    Tal of Prot
    Charmed Shield
    Buring Blade

    I back it up with two stegs.

    I am a big proponent of leaving the frog at home. I am also an avid Tournament player. I started playing it at a whim last August. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed playing the list. Since then, I have entered 4 tournaments with this particular build, took two Best Overalls (Alamo-Texas, SoCal Slaughter), a best general (Grand Waagh-Oakland), and recently a Second Best Overall (SAWS-Sacramento). The list is a blast, your oppoents are happy not to have to play a Slann, and it has done well in 4 distict metas.

    Give it a go. It is much more challenging but a more rewarding build then the standard LM fare.

  13. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    *A little late to the game here I realize*

    So do you run stegs to draw fire as well?

    I really love the cold ones, so I'm debating a list with CarnoLord and cold one-bus, probably against O&G
  14. Hinge

    Hinge New Member

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    Ancient with EoTG
    BSB on coldone
    Saurus block
    Skrox block
    10 man skink unit with banner (for Blood and Glory scenario, but has been useful in other roles)
    2 x 10 skink skirmishers
    2 x 5 cham skinks
    Sallies (either two individual or unit of two depending on comp dings for double rares)
    Baby steg

    I can post the list this weekend in the list section if you like.

    So yes, three big dinos, with lots of target saturation. Add the cham skinks swarming and terradons swooping in against warmachines, not to mention the whole list is fast and mobil, it creates a lot of pressure on the opponent. I am not dependent on magic, rather maneuver, hard hitting, and shooting. Pick your spots, get in and overwhelm a portion of the line while the rest of the opponents units are bogged down with skinks. Opposing warmachines have two rounds of shooting max before I either get to them or get into combat. If one of the dinos does not make it (likely the EoTG), there is still enough combat power to smash a unit. I have had the skink priest survive, or maybe a single wound on the EoTG but the skink is dead. In both cases I hide what is left and deny the opponent 400 points that they spent a good amount of effort trying to get. Same goes for the Carno-lord.

  15. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    Looks like a fun list!

    Thanks man.

    I'll try it out in my massive campaign after I get a bit of practice with sorting out targets in other armies and get my maneuvering down a bit better.

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