just had a thought a war spear on an EotG means that you hit with 2D6 Str 6 impact then you hit with the attacks and then you hit with D6 Str4 no arrmour save hits that is a lot for a unit to take has anybody tried this yet and had any luck
Skink Priests are not allowed to use this weapon so the combination is illegal (Mounted Skink Chief only). A Skink Priest is required to use the EotG and thereby can not use the War-Spear. A Skink Chief can not be mounted on an EotG (or use it for that matter), so either way you slice it, it won't work. It would be a cool combination though. *edit* Additional Comments
You could, however, have a skink chief on an ancient steggie with the warspear and an EotG double charge a unit. That would be D6 Str 4/5 no armor saves followed up by 3D6+2 Str 6 impact hits. That sounds like fun.