If you were going to make your own Seraphon warband and play them as counts as what faction do you think you would choose? I've considered doing Iron Golems but make them an all Saurus team with a Kroxigor for the ogre breacher. Thoughts? And on a related note if they were to ever release rules for a Seraphon warband what units would you expect them to include?
It's pretty strange that we were not included in the first place, with us fighting Chaos all the time and stuff. I think our lineup would be restricted to Skinks + Saurus. Even models that are 2 HP in AoS are already pretty to really expensive in Warcry, and I don't think there are any "3+ HP in AoS" in any lineup.
I think it makes sense not to be included. Why would Seraphon go in small teams to competitively fight for approval by Archaon? For glory? They don't care for such things. If anything the Seraphon would send a whole army and kill everybody running around in that place.
There are several other factions not fighting for Archaon, like the stormcast. Prehaps an elite team of seraphon who are specialists in eliminating chaos cults. Instead of wasting manpower sending a larger force, the more clandestine force could effectively penetrate and eliminate chaos cults. Would be pretty neat to be able to use seraphon, and prehaps an excuse for new minis....
Those don't make any sense either IMO, they just were included by GW because they NEED to have SCE in everything.
I really feel they made a mistake including two different elf factions for Order when they had so many other options. And I think a Seraphon warband makes perfect sense. The Slann can see the Eight Points and likely know Arcahaon is building an army. Why not just teleport elite strike teams to slaughter the cultists before they can muster. Prevent them from ever gaining Archaon's favor and then teleport away and pop back again at a later time.
To better answer your question, I think a skink force could easily be fill the roles of the faster, more poisony snake fellows, whose name currently escapes me. I mean, you could even have snakes.
Yea guys, I am not a Seraphon player, but after just painting the start collecting box set, I feel your paint. GW not nice, not including you in the warcry set. With that said tho, warcry doesn't really appeal to me, because I play small 500 point games of AOS, and I like to have big monsters. So warcry feels redundant to me. Maybe if I played 2000 points AoS it would serve a purpose.
Not sure if you realized, but Warcry does not use a slight variation of "standard" GW/AoS rules. The ruleset is competely different. Comparing Kill Team to small games of 40k is already apples to oranges, with Warcry and AoS a comparison is moot from the start. Also, apart from the drastically different requirements in cash and gaming space, Warcry is even faster than Kill Team. If both players know the rules you can knock out games in 20 minutes (which includes setting up the board). So "serving no purpose" is not the case.
For me it serves no purpose, because you can't play with Seraphon. Also you can't use large monsters in the game either. I do like the look of Warcry starter set, but I want to try to stick to one gaming system. Warcry is for people who just want to play warcry and don't want to play AoS anymore. Realistically how is anyone going to have more then 1 gaming system in their life? If you like the look of warcry, why not resist consumerist purchase and instead adapt your AoS to play more like warcry?
No problem if it serves no purpose for you personally, but you should say as much Not sure what you local circumstances are, but at least half of the people at my local store play more than one gaming system, so not sure what to tell you. Skirmish type games like Kill Team, Warcry or something not from GW are easy to add to your hobby because time and financial commitment required are low. I am currently building up my first 2k of Seraphon (first AoS army), I have no interest in trying to adopt regular AoS to play as Warcry, if such a thing is even possible... like I said, the ruleset is completely different. I am getting some Gloomspite Gitz for Warcry. If no other models in the AoS range interest you, and you like your 500 points games of AoS, more power to you, Warcry is probably not for you.
Warcry has some of the best rules of any table top game I've played. I love the initiative system. So leaving lore stuff aside, I would also love to be able to use my lizardmen to play warcry. Maybe they will do a huge Seraphon release with warcry/new battletome/new models (one can dream). They've released a "monsters" set of Warcry so why not some Dinos.
Fluff would be the biggest reason. Currently Slaan just shows up, summons an army, then leaves. Doesn't really fit the Warcry narrative. Unless Seraphon move away from being Order Daemons in an update, I doubt they'll get Warcry rules. I'm cool with my Splintered Fang.
I'm actually in the process of converting up a Skink warband to use as the Splintered Fang, using the old Tehenhauin model as the leader (I mean, who could possibly love snakes more than Snake Moses?)
Hey that is a pretty neat force you made! Nice use of lizard bits to keep the snake thing going, especially with Snake Moses to lead the brood! Please post when you are done painting them too!
That was bound to happen, and you did a awesome job. I really love the skink priest I like the shields but i don't think of them as mayan-ish Like to see them as their finished, good luck. Gr, Imrahil