has anyone ever tried to blend both games together and create rules allowing you to play a fantasy army vs a 40k army? If not, would anyone like to see what happens if such a thing happens?
Yea, sorry I can't find it either, the thread name must have been obscure. Didn't see anything on Google either....
Oh I think this is the thread I was looking for. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/lizardmen-vs-space-marines-not-what-you-think.6935/
My remembry is telling me that one of the armies was Bretonnian. Bretts v. (Space) Orks perhaps or Marines. And, whatever I read was on a forum long gone...the name Earl Cadfael was involved.
https://onepagerules.wordpress.com/portfolio/hammer-wars/ Cross platform generic rules: Lizardmen Skinks featured on the cover. And this: http://jenniverse.com/toymallet v3 cover.html ...this is just funny.