7th Ed. Warriors of Chaos Problem

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Saurus One, May 16, 2010.

  1. Saurus One
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus One New Member

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    Yesterday I had an army that I thought that would at least scrape a draw. By the third turn my friend had compeletly massacered my army. In light of that I was wondering if anyone could help me with some tactics on how to kill a warriors of chaos army that has a large number of hard to kill warriors, like their knights? o_O
  2. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Lore of Metal is really nice against good AS units (Spirit of the Forge), I'm afraid I can't help much since I haven't played against them yet, but a friend of mine is starting with WoC so I'll soon have the same problem.
  3. Saurus One
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus One New Member

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    That does seem like a very good way to go about it. Just as well most of the high toughness critters seemed to have very good armour saves...
  4. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Well, lets see here, it depends on what size game you like to play, and whether you prefer to go with a combat lord or a magic lord choice.

    If its a sub 2000 pt game, I tend to take the same thing regardless of what army i'm facing, a cold one riding scar vet and a couple of skink priests. Remember not to load down on magic items in small games, b/c a large amount of troops tends to do better than a singular tooled up hero, the more so the smaller points game you go. I've found skink priests on foot work best in pairs, and chances are with 2 lvl 2's you should get uranons thunderbolt (which does well against chaos warriors) or atleast forked lightning once. If not, no big deal, just use them to support your anvil of saurus with portent of far. This should really give your saurus the edge over chaos warriors. As well, a spear weilding saurus is three points less than a chaos warrior, before any sort of upgrade/mark. A huge mistake alot of choas players make is to load down thier core choice warriors with a shield and another type of weapon, making them crazy expensive for a single unit. Our saurus have close to the same stat line, only lower weapon skill, initiative and one less point of armor, and we should be able to outnumber them fairly easily. Try combo charges with saurus blocks and skrox/kroxigor or cold one cav. Since you should outnumber them pretty easily and all of your flankers are faster and harder than his, its alot simpler to gang up on his big slow block units of chaos warriors.

    In 2000pts or better, where lord choices come into play, its your personal preference whether to go combatty or magicy. I've been running a slann/temple guard unit for some time now, only recently changing over to an oldblood on a carnasaur when I tried it for kicks and it worked awesomely. Anywho, with a combat lord, the oldblood/carnasaur can't go wrong, but to save on points, an old one on foot with the jag pendant (for those surprise leaps into expensive knight units) or on a cold one does pretty well too. For magic weapons, my first choice would be the blade of tzunki, followed by the enchanted shield, and the jag pendant if he's on foot. You'd be wounding on 2's with no armor save, and you should be getting the charge (considering chaos warrior blocks are pretty slow) so you should be able to wipe out his front rank easily. Even if you fluff your attacks, (its good to have a reroll or two saved from seconed sign) you'll have a good armor save, and good coldblooded leadership, so you can stick around in combat awhile. Even if you don't want to stay there, next turn you can just fly him out with the jag pendant.Just be sure to support your oldblood no matter his choice of mount with a few skink preists. The jag pendant is a low power bound spell, and doesn't work too well if its the only magic coming from your side.
    As for magic, lore of metal is a must. Give your slann focused rumination, unfathomable presence (if your opponent likes the magic) and the plaque of tepok, then let him loose with the metal lore. Spirit of the Forge is what you're going for, it will annihilate huge units of chaos warriors. Distillation of silver isn't bad to support this, and transmutation of lead will give your saurus anvil/flankers another leg up in combat. Commandment of Brass is really the only "useless" spell as WoC tend not to have warmachines, but maybe a chariot or two could be set up for a flank charge.

    Anywho, sorry so wordy, but hope this helps!
  5. Saurus One
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus One New Member

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    Thanks for that, it will help me a lot although do you know a way to stop chariots below 2000pts because one owned my left flank of cav and saurus warriors.
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    A scar-vet with a great weapon will work well for chariot duty, strength 7 will make them go boom. You can also put the jag charm on a scar-vet and send him flying into chariots from afar.
  7. skinker
    Temple Guard

    skinker New Member

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    I love popping chariots with my jag charmed scar vet.

    For those who don't know the rule, one strength 7 wound automatically kills the chariot (no matter how many wounds it has left).
  8. Great Lord Tlanxla

    Great Lord Tlanxla New Member

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    I agree that Spirit of the Forge is the way to go with Warriors of chaos. You can easily get rid of a unit of knights with that spell in one turn with no problems. The other spells in the lore of metal also work very well like transmutation of lead for close combat and law of gold for getting rid of nasty magic items.

    Basic tactics are to not leave your units unsupported. Charge or be charged with a unit of saurus and then if they dont handle whatever they are fighting flank with some cavalry or a stegadon or a carnosaur etc.
    Saurus warriors are also capable of defeating warriors because players usually run chaos warriors in units of 15 so 20 saurus are more than a match. This is where your terradons come into play. Fly them around behind the warriors and after they flee from your saurus the warriors will go "poof".

    Stay away from chaos characters. They are very mean in their own right and only a very mean oldblood can take one down. Its just best to avoid challenges because if they win the lord or hero will just get even meaner thanks to the eye of the gods.
  9. Saurus One
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus One New Member

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    Thanks guys, I will take your advice. If anyone can put anymore just relevant tips then I will appreciate it. I will tell you how it goes when I play my next game within about a week. ;)
  10. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    the best thing is EOTG antleast one is a must againts WOC. hold them with saurus or somebody and then blast them with burning aligment. no armor saves and they are as good as dead
  11. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Lore of Heavens could also work with Uranon's Thunderbolt, but Lore of Metal is by far my favourite. The chariots are a problem, but with careful positioning they should be able to be easily dealt with. Knights can be very tough so try and bait them and hit them in the flank. Use Terradons to take out his flankers and deal with the slow moving Warriors when they eventually reach your lines.
  12. Abhorash.

    Abhorash. New Member

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    I play High Elves, Vampire Counts, and now Lizardmen, and with every army against warriors of chaos i use spirit of the forge, it literally kills the entire unit of knights in one cast. (for those who dont know its basically 2d6 strength 7 hits with no armor saves allowed against chaos knights).
  13. Saurus One
    Jungle Swarm

    Saurus One New Member

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    My game this weekend went OK but but the latest thing to destroy me is the chaos magic lores, lost both a unit of skinks and warriors without even having moved. I think it is very important to bring some magic units after this even if it is just to rid me of the terrifying spells that can be used. Treason of Tzeentch was by far the most effective against me, just as a warning to those other players.

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