8th Ed. What are you afraid of losing?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by vulcan7200, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. vulcan7200
    Jungle Swarm

    vulcan7200 New Member

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    There was another topic on the forum about the rumor of Lizard's getting an 8th edition book in 2013. I saw some wishlisting in there, and people expecting our Slann and Salamanders to get nerfed. I'm more curious about what people are afraid that Games Workshop might change, that doesn't need it.

    Personally, my biggest fear is they will get rid of Skink/Kroxigor units, or at the very least nerf them quite a bit by allowing them to be stomped, or not having the entire unit causing fear. I started at the start of 7th edition, and loved the change from Skinks simply screening Kroxigor, to them fighting together in the same unit (Which I heard they could before). It's something that, despite how useful it may or may not end up being, I want them to keep in, to keep that unique flavor the unit has.
  2. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Agreed, I quite like the skrox unit. Debate its reliability as much as you want, it's still a pretty flavoursome unit.

    Jungle poisons. If we lost jungle poison, I'm not sure my skinks would ever see the light of day again.
  3. Poqenichi

    Poqenichi New Member

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    Kroak losing the not having to roll on the miscast table. That could be devastating as it's damn useful. The Skrox unit and jungle poisons too. I really wouldn't mind if the cold ones lost stupidity though.
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Yeah I can't see the Skrox unit being left untouched in a rulebook rewrite. It runs counter to 8th ed rules in to many uncomfortable way (I don't think so but leaves many people confused)
  5. vulcan7200
    Jungle Swarm

    vulcan7200 New Member

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    Exactly what I'm afraid of. I don't think a Skrox unit is in any way too powerful with MAYBE the exception of being immune to stomps, but even that I don't think is too big of a deal, and gives them a unique advantage. But I really feel like it's something that is going to get messed with.

    I think my second biggest fear is an over nerf of the Slann. I don't think it will happen, but I can't help but imagine the Slann taking a significant over nerf. He's still (probably) going to be our only level 4 Wizard though, so he'll likely never be left out regardless of what happens.
  6. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    if they're going to nerf the slann our army will lose very much of its power and background, in my opinion. In my opinion one of the worst things which could happen is to lose our chamaleon skinks, because they are (according to me) the best way to eliminate the problem of warmachines. I wish that slann will continue to cast magic missiles trough skink priests
  7. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Agree totaly.
    Im afraid that because of whiner they will nerf slann alot and salamanders will be bunked down to not shoot if marched or something.
    They are really good units and lord yes, but theyre totaly not overpowered, you just need to think how to play againts them and a lot of people sees them and oh theyre op so i wont try to stop them. thats crazy and im afraid that they will do stupid thing because of that.
    And the bigest fear of mine is that the army will be more skink oriented. I love Saurus and i would like that it would be available to make saurus list and skink list and mixed :)
  8. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    i hope cupped hands will stay. And it would be veeery nice taking off that "one use only" from their description... :D
  9. Poqenichi

    Poqenichi New Member

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    I doubt they'd remove it, probably just raise the cost. Haha removing the one use only, we can all dream!
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I am most concerned with losing the cheap magicla items since the new books tend to be tilted towards expensive items.

    Burning Blade of Chotec is almost sure to go. As are Venom of the Firefly Frog, Plaque of Tepok, and worst of all (by my persepctive) the Banehead. I say we have a 50% chance of keeping or losing the Divine Plaque of Protection.

    I HOPE we lose Becalming Cognition. It seems broken in my view. The only time it ever seems fair to me is versus Teclis (and you know he's getting nerfed in the next HE book)
  11. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    mah, i think that becalming can be useful against every army. I hope it will stay
  12. Hinds

    Hinds New Member

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    but way too overpowered imo. Also why it is not allowed at any tournaments I have ever seen
  13. vulcan7200
    Jungle Swarm

    vulcan7200 New Member

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    I actually think Venom of the Firefly Frog will stay. It's a fairly fluffy item, and actually isn't too bad. You're probably right about the rest of those items though. Becalming is at the very least, going to get changed. It is way too powerful for the amount of points we spend. Which brings me to another fear of mine:

    The Slann. He'll be nerfed. As I said, I'm worried he'll get overnerfed. But more than that, I'm worried that he'll lose any amount of customization he had. In the 6th edition book, he had the Generation levels. In 7th he has the Disciplines. Even if he's nerfed into uselessness, I want them to atleast keep up the trend that not all Slann are the same. I'd hate to see the Slann turned into just a level 4 with some special rules, with no options to really do anything with him.
  14. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    Sorry guys but is everything in our army op? i mean you cry about that, you cry about another. jezus.
    Everything is fine with slann, with becalming, remember 6ed when we could ignore 4/5/6? that was op. not just 6. Saurus in your opinion are undercosted. i dont believe what i hear :D dont get it how can they be undercosted.... "salamanders are so good, theyre opwhen they go to my flank" oh my learn to play and protect those flanks...
    I dont say things are bad, i say theyre ok and it needs just alitle tweeking not nerfing that and that and that like almost all forums say. If im a dancer and my two friends are in trouble for me to dance should i cut them? or meiby i should learn to dance better. my point is that theres way to much whining and way too less of learning to play and analysing meta games and army specifiks. If youknow your going to play againts abombs, trolls and similar and youdont take fire ataks, now whos fault is that?

    My bigest fear is that developers will look to those underaged kids who just know how too roll dice and will debunk lizardmen too much and make it not lizardmen army at all.
  15. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    honestly, i think nothing in our army is op.
  16. vulcan7200
    Jungle Swarm

    vulcan7200 New Member

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    No one said everything in our army is overpowered. But our army was balanced for 7th edition, not 8th. Because of that, there are some things that DO need some tweaking, and some of that tweaking as to take some power down. No one thinks that Slann are unbeatable. But the fact of the matter is, with Rumination and Becalming, they dominate the magic phase, and shut down other Wizard's for such a ridiculously low cost (One being a free Discipline, one being only 50 points after that). Look at every other army being updated. Free power dice are slowing being left behind. Master of the Black Arts for Vampire Counts I think makes that a bit obvious.

    Salamanders are simply too good for their points cost. They don't need to be nerfed too hard though. They really only need to lose being able to march and fire and they SHOULD be fine. The biggest problem is that Razordons and the Ancient Stegadon aren't nearly as good of options as the Salamander is.

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