I'm just restarting fantasy, I'm pretty set on playing Lizardmen now. When I played them about 6 years ago I decided not to use the classic blue colour scheme and instead had orange saurus with red scales and yellow skinks with orange scales. Now I'm going to play them again, after turning to dark elves before taking a 3 year break from the hobby. I actually breed lizards in real life and I did consider a 'realistic' look for their skin tones using browns and greens, but I don't think it would work well. Plus considering the Lizardmen are not real lizards at all but fantastical humanoids, I don't see why they shouldn't get bright and unusual colours. I do like the classic blue however, and I think it really suits the lizardmen. I am also considering purple as it is my favourite colour and I found some photos of cool lilac skinks. I am a bit unsure how dark purple saurus would look though. What colours do you use for Saurus and Skinks? What about your Slann, just green like a classic frog? Photos of a saurus and skink model from your army would be great (please don't spam the thread with pics of all the other models in the range though)
Sorry, I have no lizzies to show ya, mine are still unpainted, but I will have an alternate version of the classic blue, it'll be dark on top and light on the bottom. My slann I was thinkin to paint up as a red eyed tree frog but might change which species, and I'm still undecided on my skinks, but they might share the blue scheme with red/orange crests. What type of lizards do you breed?
Mainly I keep and breed odatria at the moment (dwarf varanids) as well as australian pythons, though I have worked with many gecko species and larger monitor lizards too plus a ton of snakes. Keeping the animals really does give me inspirtation for colour schemes but I can't see a realistic way of converting something like this into a colour scheme for Saurus warriors. Especially since I haven't painted miniatures in a few years. http://www.breeders-expo.de/photos-database/Varanus-glauerti-011-j.jpg
check out my log, ill be adding more pics later http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=6913&p=54324#p54324
Awww, it's cute! I would love to have a snake but roommate is scared to death of them. I do have a leo and two crested geckos. But I'd agree that alot of colors on lizards, as cool as they may be, wouldn't translate well to lizardmen.
hi my skinks are Ice blue with regal blue scales and a a red crest. My saurus warriors and temple guard are hawk turquiose with regal blue scales and again red crest. And my cold ones are dark angels green highlighted with snot green with bleached bone underbellies. I also got a Slann today and am still trying to decide what colour to paint him either a dull green or a brighter green. I can't put any pics up at the moment but hopefully tomorrow I will.
All my Saurus, Skinks and Kroxigor have the same scheme: Shadow Grey skin, Codex Grey and Skull White scale, green shields and bronze armour. The link to my blog is in my signature, if you want to see some pics.
You can check mine out here... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/some-of-my-lizardmen-updated-with-a-cold-one.6951/
I'm not much of a painter. But i like my colors a lot. They are turning out decent so i'll get you some pictures. For my skinks I painted them orange with blue legs. Just like a dart frog. Since dart frogs get their name from the south american tribes using the frogs poison to tip thier blow darts, i thought it was more than fitting for the little guys. As for the Saurus warriors, they are purple. And the scar vets and old ones are red and black. I haven't decided what color on the slann mage yet. EIther red, yellow, black like a tamato frog (which i will probably do) or typical slann colors. I have a bit of lore that goes behind my lizardmen to support the colors. Long story short, blood leaked into their far off spawning pool and out came a red mixed army. the blood turned the bodies of the skinks red/orange, the blue saurus turned purple. But as they get older the blue fades like normal but the red stays dark making the old ones red instead of the normal pale white they normally turn. But the problem is the Slann. Slann's haven't been spawned for a long long time. So as much as i want to paint him like a tomato frog to match my army, i also want to stick with the typical colors to keep to game lore and my own. Unless i can think of a nice way to fit him into the lore as an orange/red slann.
I bought myself a box of saurus warriors some weeks ago and painted at least 10 models (some of them I even re-primed) to find a color scheme I like... Now I seems that I found the 'right' one. Unfortunately I will not be able to show pictures now but next week hopefully. I use GW Air Color Tank Green + Camo Green for the body, slightly thinned over white primer. The scales are done with hawk turquoise. Both washed with Devlin Mud and then highlighted. Originally I tried to do the standard all blue saurus warriors, but honestly, the they never looked good. And if they did look good enough I had to spend to much time on them.
I wasn't sure how the other colors fell into the lore. But come to think of it, I they have an orange on in the army book. I don't think they have any color schemes in that book that don't. Oranage slann it is. I like that idea. I saw someone doing that in another thread. They didn't swap based on book of magic. But that sounds awesome. Edit: Dart frog skinks incoming! http://www.casarioblanco.com/poison-dart-frog.jpg The original template skink. Some others completed. I have 4 completely done. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Chibi_Mushi/Lizardmen/group.gif I have 49 of these laying around. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Chibi_Mushi/Lizardmen/In-work-skink.gif I keep the crests blue for lore purposes as well.
http://www.halforums.com/xenforo/threads/painted-warhammer-and-warhammer-40k-miniatures.16198 not mine however mine is similar but inverted for the skinks
Here's a photo showing how my skinks are painted - I tried to pick a color scheme that looked realistic but also striking. This was taken during a game I played yesterday against the High Elves, so it is a bit more blurry than if I took it with a tripod with studio lighting, etc., but you can just make out the Priest in the middle of the unit: Here's a better shot of the Priest (before I had his base done): And a unit of Salamander hearders, with the same colors: Some of these photos were posted here 3 or 4 months ago, so apologies if you've already seen them. The Saurus are red with tan bellies and black tiger stripes: These are conversions of the plastic Sauri from the 5th edition WHFB game. There are some photos of the conversion work before the paint went on here: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/old-schooler-new-to-lizzies.5025/ The Saurus are actually done now, with flocked bases, but this is the only photos I have of them at the moment.