8th Ed. What do people think of this idea for magic?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by The Omen, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. The  Omen

    The Omen New Member

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    I’m entering a local tournament this week and they have decided to completely rewrite the rules for magic, I was wondering what effect others think this might have on the game.

    In summary the new rules are

    The army is given 1 dice for each wizard level in the army (e.g. having 1 level 4 wizard gives 4 power/dispel dice, having 5 level 1 wizards gives 5 dice) each wizard can cast as many spells per turn as his side have dice, as long as the wizard does not cast the same spell twice.

    Spell casting values will not be used, all spells will be considered cast with a value equal to the roll of 1 dice (e.g. even a roll of 1 will be considered a successful cast)

    To dispel you need to equal or beat the value of the dice roll using 1 dispel dice.

    Due to the difficulty in casting the “level 6” spells you will need to roll 3 “power” dice to cast these and only the lowest roll is used as the cast value.

    It’s an interesting take on casting, and very different to standard. I see no way to miscast so your safe from that, and I quite like the fact that they aren’t stopping top level spells being cast but are making it significantly easier to counter them.

    What are others opinions here, do you think this will make magic more or less powerful?
  2. elmoheadbutt
    Cold One

    elmoheadbutt New Member

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    I think having no miscast is unfortunate, and by making high level spells to be cast easier (and easier to counter), it degrades the value of it. Some games, I would happily blow up my priest (via miscast) just to cast a devastating spell for the fun and chaos of it :D

    But that's just me though; I like seeing things suffer.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I too am disappointed in the lack of IF and miscast.

    If you take both a lvl 1 and lvl 2 priests with your slann you can easily cast all of the spells in a lore. But does that mean that each wizard would get 7 spells to cast, or just 7 spells for your army? The dispel process is kind of lame. Pretty much 50-50 to cast or dispel a spell.
  4. The  Omen

    The Omen New Member

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    It would bee 7 spells for the army, but you could do 6 on the Slann and 1 priest, you don't need to spend the wizards power dice on himself.

    I'm not sure I like the rules, I'm trying to figure out if magic will have more or less of an impact and thus if I should take extra skink prists (so that the loremaster slann can cast every spell) or if I should call magic a waste and consentrate on other things. with 6 spells being cast and (as you said) a 50/50 chance of dispelling that'll be an average of 3 spells per turn, which I guess is usually more than I get off now.

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