I currently have about 25,000 points of mini's in various army's and was wondering what everyone else plays my armies are high elves wood elves some dark elves dwarves ogres and of course the chosen ones
My armies look something like this: Britonnia: +3000pts (Fully Painted) Dwarfs: +5000pts (Partly Painted) Empire: +3000pts (Some primered, none painted yet) High Elves: +750pts (Fully Painted) Lizardmen: +2000pts (Some assembled, none painted) Orcs & Goblins: +8000pts (Mostly Painted) Vampire Counts: +4000pts (Partly Painted Wood Elves: +4000pts (Mostly Painted) Lizardmen and High Elves are my two newest armies at this point. You can find pics of most of my painted models by following the first link in my sig. (Painting section of that site is towards the bottom of the page.)
High Elves 5000 points Lizardmen 4000 points Tomb Kings 3000 points Just starting a Daemon army. High elves are probably my fav army to play. ATM I only have about 4 games with the new lizardmen under my belt though. So I will have to make a better judgment on them after some more games. I am adopting a bunch of Khorne and Tzeentch Daemons from a friend who just wants to play Nurgle. Which is perfect for me because I have always wanted to try a Bloodthirster list.
got around: 2250 points of Dwarfs around about 1500 or so points of VC made my High Elves into VC about 1500 Points of WOC And some Dark Elfs 2 Hydras and a COK Making the Lizardmen my main also getting them in mail hopefully soon, from store online. Don't know how much I will have but a good amount.
right, so now I can tell what armies i have. Wood elves (about 3k pts) Lizardmen (what if I say I have no lizards yet. ) Tyranids(!) (about 2500pt) Eldar(!!) (about 1800pt)
lizards, hitting 5000 points only just painting though after 4 years of owning 2000 point empire Gun line(undefeated in pitched battles) 1500 point display bretionia army(sold) 2500 point army of orges(unpainted)
5000-7000 pt wood elves, mostly painted. 2000 pt lizardmen (partially painted) Sold 2000 pt bretonnians fully painted 1500 pt witch hunters 25% painted ( paused) "a little bit of this and that" Mortal chaos WIP 2000 pt deamons ( slanesh/tzench) WIP 2000 pt lizardman WIP (restart) in order of collecting. and my little brother is doing VC ( or is trying) so maybe i will pick that up to and make it a challenging army.
I have 3000+ points of Dwarves (1st army, mostly painted) 3000+ points of VC (3rd army, about half painted working on that as you will all see soon) 2500+ points of Lizardmen (Mostly unpainted , working on that as well)
Points wise, Lizards are my 2nd army. I have a 2250 Ogre Army (i regretfully made them my first army). 2000 Lizardmen. 1000 Goblins (no Orcs, just goblins). Once I have a 2250 Lizardmen army I really like, I'm going to focus on goblins. Considering selling Ogres and starting another "brute force" army, because the Ogres are pathetic in combat.
orgre armies are actually pretty good when used proberly. there tough with 3 wound each and -2 to armour save if you leave them with the club(hint hint) and people always overlook goblars Sharp stuff rules
Meh. I've been using them since I started, and I really don't like them. My only wins are when I roll ridiculously well.
Wife has Wood Elves... I figure I'll buy some stuff I like for them as well once I've gottne my lizzies squared away. The lack of armor is unsettling but the movement seems awesome
only got lizardmean yet around 5000-6000 points and i have no clue which army is should start collecting now
Probably my main army is my High Elves, I have around 3-4k of them. Then I also have 2-3k Brets (which I don't like and kinda regret buying), 4k or so VC which I loved in the old rules but haven't got a chance to play in the new rules yet, 3k Tomb Kings which are undefeated and are great fun to play and a bunch of 40k, some BFG and too much LOTR crap. My Lizards are being developed, I think I have about 2k already though. It is a small army.
Ever think of selling them, my bro is looking to get into it with the Brets What do use for these guys?
I have about 2000 points of Lizardmen, although most of them are unpainted. I might someday in the future start up a 40k army, probably Necrons, but probably not until after the summer, during which time I will probably commit a lot of time to my Lizzies. If I was ever to pick a second Fantasy army, it would be either Beast of Chaos or Tomb Kings (I'm leaning towards BoC presently).
A Tomb King and a prince for their combat power supported by priests. Sometimes a casket and SSC, sometimes 2 SSC's. An essential unit of carrion (these guys never let me down, I love their potential 40" charge!), a scorp, usually a unit of ushabti, 2-3 units of chariots, large block of skellies supported by 1 or 2 small blocks of archers. I usually play at 3k, which is why it seems like a fair bit.
Screaming skull catapult. Tomb Kings are a very cool looking army that have a pretty steep learning curve, and like VC tend to be better the larger the battle gets. TK also benefit when the battle size is a multiple of 1000 (ie. they will be better at 2k than 2.5k) since they absolutely need good magic to support them. A lot of it is efficient list building and deployment, since they can be a little bit predictable particularly in the magic phase, and they are definitely tough to start with, but in the right hands at a decent sized battle they can be one of the most powerful armies in WHFB, short of VC and daemons.