AoS What should I be aiming for when buying next?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by NecridHydra, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. NecridHydra
    Temple Guard

    NecridHydra Well-Known Member

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    I've been collecting Lizardmen/Seraphon since 2004 and I have a pretty decent army. So far I have:

    2 Slann
    2 Skink Priest
    1 Skink Starpriest
    3 Saurus Oldblood
    Up to 4 Saurus Scar-Veteran on cold one (old cold ones)
    Up to 10 Astrolith Bearers (old Temple Guard)
    1 Eternity Warden
    1 Saurus Oldblood/Scar vet on Carnosaur
    1 Troglodon
    1 Engine of the Gods

    48 Skinks (half with Bolt+club and hal with javelin+shield)
    56 Saurus Warriors (aim to build 15 with Clubs and 20+20 with spears)
    24 Saurus Knights (all with spears)
    25 Temple Guard
    3 Kroxigors (I want to throw them as they are the metal ones and I don't like 'em)
    3 Terradon
    3 Ripperdactyl
    1 Bastiladon with Solar Engine
    Maybe 1 Stegadon, but it's the metal one and want to replace it.

    My next buy will probably be Salamanders or Razordon (not GW models, so I'll buy more Skinks).

    Seeing the warscrolls, what would you suggest me? This is the first time I'll be playing since 7th Ed.
  2. Austin

    Austin New Member

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    I think Salamanders is the way to go. There also seems to be a consensus that stegadons will be a safe buy. I would also look into lord Kroak. Haven't played him yet, but his new scroll looks crazy good for only 320 points.
    Jedit and Nart like this.

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