im looking for a cople of god bileds, maybe a defensive and offencive, i manily fight WoC nurgle spam that genraly runs a few wizards, so i might be better of just go ing defence, but was just looking foe iders
Take a scroll and the diadem of power for a good defensive build. And no matter what kind of build you are looking for, an engine is always great.
what do you think of the cue of darkness? i think its good, secaly sins im figting a lot of wizards, ut is a ta expensive for a skink
The cube is nice if it goes off. I personally do not use it because of its randomness but if it ended a phase that would be great.
I am not a fan of one use only items, especially when their chances of working are not 100%. For a long time I didn't even use dispel scrolls, but I have now been convinced that they are worth taking to drop that one or two spells that you really really don't want to get off, there are very few other one use only items I could be convinced on... I would avoid it.
The plaque of Tepok is another useful item. You get an extra spell, which is never a bad thing. I usually run this "bild": Skink Priest Level 2 Plaque of Tepok Engine of the Gods
sorry did i mis spell? imjust heavaly disllexik, wich is btw a horid word to spell lol.andfunny enough when i googled "bild" it was brithish instatude of learning diffacultys lol
One use items are a point killer. You're probably better going with Diadem of Power because a) it costs less, and b) you can use it every turn (especially in defensive modes like strewart said). This is the build I'm running with at the moment: Skink Priest Ancient Stegadon with EotG Level 2 Wizard Diadem of Power Talisman of Protection 430 points
i only every take my S/priest like this when on foot skink priest Lv2 2x dispell then againt i use my skink priest on foot as kamikazi wizards
give it cupped hand of the old ones , and put it on a EOTG so u can see everything. that way if u miscast, they will probs die
I play wit diadem and scroll + lvl 2 so that as hes the only mage in my army (at 1250 points) he can cast a spell and still keep some for dispelling... check out my battle report... worked pretty well till it was 3 mages vs 1.
if you get the re-roll spell from lore of heavens the cube is a pretty good investment the only item i can think of off the top of my head that can completly end a magic phase especially those nasty skaven ones or the Tzeench greater daemon either way you get your points worth if it goes off 4+ in 2 tries is not too bad and people will usually let the re-roll spell go off to avoid other more destructive spellls from happening and most of the time your army is in close combat by turn 2 or 3 so one less turn of getting blasted is a big help
There is a one use only High Elf item I think called the vortex shard which requires no roll, you just decide to use it and the enemy magic phase ends. Bam. Very very useful after you have just hit VC lines, in his turn when he hopes to use his magic to heal all his units and dance more in, just declare it and he is screwed. I have used it very successfully once but it isn't really great for an all round army.