my teammate will use vampire counts an he will play metal and his ypical lore. My question is: light or life?
Re: which lore vs chaos warriors (8°ed) and high elves (7° e Life gets my vote. My army uses two loremasters one with Life the other with Heavens.
Re: which lore vs chaos warriors (8°ed) and high elves (7° e Can you post your list? My default answer is Life if you have temple guard, Metal / Shadow / Light / Heavens if you dont.
Re: which lore vs chaos warriors (8°ed) and high elves (7° e
Re: which lore vs chaos warriors (8°ed) and high elves (7° e Given your army list, I would have to say Life. I believe you generally want around 26 Temple Guard if you are running something other than Life. Light would work too, especially for the High Elves since Light negates their speed advantage. Either way the key is to keep your units alive as long as possible with defensive spells.
Re: which lore vs chaos warriors (8°ed) and high elves (7° e Hey everyone, I just realized that it was skillfull_dan asking for the armylist. I thought it was Rettile, the thread poster, who was asking so disregard my post.
Re: which lore vs chaos warriors (8°ed) and high elves (7° e do you have to keep the same lore for both matches? metal is definitely at a disadvantage vs HE. life and light are both strong against each.