So i'm a pretty fresh Lizardmen player. I understand the field is pretty much even due to skill/luck/all that jazz, but with your experiences as lizardmen who do you love / hate to play against. I have a few games under my belt and i'd have to say Love - O&G, they're pretty random and just plan fun to play opposite of. Hate - Empire, just a well balanced army. Those war machines are pretty nasty. Especially if they manage to shoot down my terradons before they can do any damage. Like they have.... =[
I'll definately agree with you on the Orcs and Gobbos. Their entire purpose is to get into hand to hand, which is where lizardmen do wonderfully. Plus its great fun to see huge melees involving tons of individual units, which is kinda prone to happen with lizards vs orcs. Also fun is fighting skaven. Besides being able to buzzsaw through thier huge infantry blocks, the lizards have a few cool magic items specifically for fighting skaven that don't get too much use otherwise. A skavenpelt banner is so much more effective when used to actually combat skaven! As for who I don't like playing, I'll agree with empire too. Its a pain with all the artillery causing D3 and D6 wounds to your big stuff like steggies and carnosaurs. Dwarves are kinda a pain for the same reason, along with the fact that they have great leadership and good armor, so they stay stuck in melee for a long time, just like the lizardmen. Lastly, I HATE playing vampire counts. The undead are pretty irritating to any opponent, but it seems like lizardmen would have a pretty hard time with them. Skeletons can tarpit your big characters and steggies/carnos in combat while the useful units like graveguard and knights engage big saurus blocks and do reasonablely well. Plus black coaches are a great unpleasentness for anyone.
hate : brettonians, and other armies using massed cavalry, just because they can make it almost impossible to ever get a charge in with stegadons. love : anyone else using a combat army with M~4 dudes.
I love to fight chaos warriors, for the chance to boil their armour to their skin with my magic toting slann while laughing at their pathetic excuse for magic. I hate fighting undead, either Vampires or Tomb kings . no real tactical reason, just in all the games i have ever played, iv'e never beaten them.
I love to play vs elves of all kind. If you set up correctly, the poor elves just falter to the might of the Saurii. O&G is always great fun. I 'hate' to play VC too. Tarpitting isn't really my style. Dwarves aren't really FUN to play against, they are too static. For the tactical challenges I enjoy Brets and Empire the most. The mass cavalry of the brets forces me to use my redirecting and positioning skill to the max. The empire is just jack-of-all-trades so you have to have a balanced list ready, and play solid. The Hunted
I've always had a grudge against skaven so I've got my eyes out for them when I head down to the shop to play.
Armies i hate to play are dwarves because of the massive amounts of shooting including the organ gun. I also dislike tomb kings because of the never-ending shooting phase. Empire is similar I really like playing Warriors, Wood Elves, Orcs arent so bad, and i like playing against daemons sometimes...
I both hate and love to play against Dark Elves. Hate to play against them because we only have one DE player and he constantly complains about getting his butt handed to him (he even told me I should buy a completely new army so he'd have a better chance to beat me!) I love to play against the them (him) because I'm one of those people that enjoy sicking it to sore losers. Otherwise I hate playing against Skaven with all their nasty and confusing rules. I like playing against Orks and Goblins (who doesn't?) and Brets because they're challenging.
Love playing Elves, OnG, and Warriors of Chaos. They're little more than punching bags. I despise playing Skaven and Demons. Both armies give me fits.
i realy hate Tomb kings, im only begening to learn to play with lizards, its only about a month or more for this hobby and i started learning with man who plays tomb kings, its pisses me of becous most of the time one crucial mistake means i lost, becouse im a beginner there are alot of mistakes. love to play againts T3 armys becouse its just pathetic how you can easaly step on them and brake there bones. love huge block armys for my salamandras
Well, I've only had a few battles with my 2k lizardmen army. I've enjoyed beating the poop out of high elves, chaos warrios and ogres, probably enjoyed beating Orcs and gobbos most so far though. Havn't lost any battles yet, but I've not come up against any really tough lists. I'm not looking forward to Tzeentch daemons and dwarfs.
I just love fighting the ogres. With and old blood on carnosaur you can completely destroy a unit because of the poor armour save and the d3 wounds rule. I coud not help but laugh when I manged to beat and over run a large unit that was worth alot more than the old blood
Dislike Skaven, though the new ones can be quite fun to battle if the opponent isn't cheesy as mine isn't. I'm sure if I faced Dwarf gunlines more often I would dislike them. The most frustrating armies are the ones that just seem so much more deadly than yours, and from a winning position where you have done everything right it can just go completely against you. My elves always hated a Skaven plague spell getting off. Enjoy.... Well, anything that gives a fun and close battle. I am more in favour of classical battle lines so a few big blocks of infantry is good, O&G, Empire just to name a couple.
Love: O&G just random and fun, my friend plays gobbo's only really fun. Hate: Dwarfs, it's boring, march, get shot to pieces, march, get shot to pieces, etc.
I'm finding Beastmen to be a fun army to play against. Lots of stuff tends to die on both sides especially when the Minotaurs get supercharged - eeek! I'm not keen on playing against Vampire Counts they're just incredibly frustrating. Tar Pits aren't fun and that entire army is a huge one that the all-important general cowers behind right until the end of the game. Yawn.
Honestly I LOVE playing almost every single army. The only armies I have trouble with are Daemons of Chaos and Skaven. Tar pit isn't to bad honestly, just get your Saurus hereos into combat and start swinging. What does annoy me is the general hiding. That's why I fly balls out with my Carnosaur Lord to that general and get into combat as quick as I can. A lot of the time when I play VC I kill him by turn 4 or 5. If I'm lucky and get a massacre. Most of the time though I get to play chicken with his whole army and sit with their damn grave guard for 2 turns until I multi charge with a stegadon. The key to fighting vampires is knowing which spells to dispel, and which ones to ignore, and knowing where to multi-charge! That's HUGE!!! Honestly if you have a stegadon/Carnosaur lord or stegadon/Slann + temple guard its so easy. The tar pits can be used to your advantage. Get you Stegadon a charge on the flank with another saurus unit or temple guard and you'll be the next puff puff the magic dragon.