AoS Need advice on a 1k list!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by TheadTheOgorSlayer, Jan 20, 2019.

  1. TheadTheOgorSlayer

    TheadTheOgorSlayer New Member

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    I’m gonna be proxying a list soon for seraphon to gauge whether I want to start playing them again. I made an 1000 point list and it would be helpful if y’all picked it apart as I have no experience with seraphon (in Age of sigmar anyways, go Lizardmen! Lol) and not much experience list building in AOS (this is a copy paste from another forum just putting it on here since y’all are for lizardbois only so made sense in my head lol)

    Slann w/ great rememberer (general)

    astrolith bearer

    Artillery: razordon*3


    Battleline: skinks w/ boltspitters and moon clubs*20

    skinks w/boltspitters and moon clubs*20

    endless spells: cogs and Bale wind vortex


    no battalions

    the plan is to teleport razordons and skinks to damage, disrupt, and take objectives while summoning in more razordons and skinks. I don’t know what is best to summon but I also will have salamders to summon when I need to get rid of elites/heroes and I also plan to try out a tactic where I change cogs and try to change the constellation to get plus 3 to charge and then summon an old blood on carnosaur to attempt a charge with said bonus and hopefully a command reroll. I’m also interested in trying to summon trogolodons since they can get plus 3 to charge with their poison spit! I’ve also heard of people summoning terradons but since they can’t use their bombs right away I thought maybe searching for other immediate threats would be better especially since this list seems to lacks damage at times(I test out scenarios and roll dice to see how certain tactic may perform, sometimes math hammer misses some of the important nuances like positioning and damage outside the average.) I’m also new to forums like this so if I made the list in a wrong/confusing format please tell me! I’ll try to fix it
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria Online!

    If you are just looking to get a feel for Seraphon then I would say this is a great looking list!

    In terms of list optimization, I don't know that Saurus Astrolith Bearers are needed at 1k. The rerolling hits will be nice for Skinks and Razordons if you castle though. You could take more skinks and a Skink Starpriest instead of the Astrolith. Razordons are fantastic, they will like be the MVP of your matches.
    TheadTheOgorSlayer likes this.
  3. TheadTheOgorSlayer

    TheadTheOgorSlayer New Member

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    The main reason I brought the bearer is because of some math hammer I did that basically shows it increases the skinks damage output by 70 percent over a full turn (two fight phases and a shooting phase) this was in a perfect scenario so it won’t always work out that way but it was so much more effective on skinks then any other unit I tried it with I thought it would help drastically! However now that I’m thinking about it two full units of razordons instead of two units of 3 and a skink hero does sounds tempting...

    Here was my Mathhammer to test its effectiveness, please tell me if I’m getting values wrong:

    OGOR unit 60 points equivalent (so 4.5 attacks instead of 3 to represent the 20 point OGOR that can’t really exist lol)

    4 up rerollable = 3/4. So 4.5 attacks get 3.4 hits. 3 up to wound so 3.4 hits will become 2.25 wounds, and ogors are hard hitters so with damage it becomes 4.5 wounds!

    Regular ogors no buff: 4 up 4.5 attacks equals 2.25 hits, 2.25 hits translates to 1.5 wounds, damage modifies it to 3 wounds total. So for ogors rerolling to hit equals 50 percent more damage basically

    Ogors damage over a game turn: 9 wounds with a reroll to hit buff, 6 wounds without

    60 points of skinks: (the skinks will get one shooting phase as well for this scenario, to make things fair this out I’ll add a second fight phase for both units so it better represents the possible damage output over a game turn)

    5 up followed by a 5 up equals 1.1 repeating wounds (this is for shooting)

    5 up followed by 6 up equals 0.5 repeating wounds (this is rounded down but it’s negligible what I rounded)

    5 up followed by 4 up equals 1.6 repeating wounds (also rounded down a slight bit)

    This means skinks do a total of: 5.3 wounds over a game turn! As you can see ogors best them in terms of damage output, and have better armour and command, but with more bodies better bravery and objective control plus good abilities means skinks are better in my opinion

    With rerolls: 5 up rerollable equals: 5/9 or a 55 percent chance to hit roughly speaking

    5 up reroll with a 5 up follow up: 1.8518 wounds (again this is shooting)

    5 up reroll with a 6 up follow up: 0.9259 wounds

    5 up reroll followed by a 4 up : 2.7 repeating wounds

    So per game turn with two fight phases and a shooting phase the buffed skinks do approximately 9 wounds a turn! Which means an unbuffed skink unit does 58 percent of the damage a buffed skink unit does! This is almost a 70 percent increase in damage! Which is more efficient then the ogors increase! Sorry my math is super messy and I didn’t put the actual calculations I made but basically the way I do it is my putting the number of attacks into a fraction that equals the percent chance: so 10 attacks on a 4 up to hit equals 10*(1/2) or 10/2 which is 5

    *edited as I mis remembered how many attacks an OGOR has haha
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Aginor and LizardWizard like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah that's a nice list. And I agree that an Astrolith Bearer is a nice addition for pretty much any list. Rerolls are strong.

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