Poll: Who is your most hated Star Wars character?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Jul 12, 2017.


Which Star Wars character do you hate the most?

  1. Anakin

  2. Asoka

  3. C-3PO

  4. Ewoks

  5. Luke

  6. Jar Jar Binks

  7. Captain Phasma

  8. Other (specify below)

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  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    So true.
    Jar Jar was a bad decision, but intentions were honestly good.
    Those characters are bad decisions, planned with hypocrisy.
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I honestly don’t get the hate for Rose Tico. From my (likely soon to be corrected) perspective, it seems that you’re projecting your hatred (which I at least can partially understand, even if I don’t possess it myself) for the Canto Bight scenes and SJWs in general onto a character who, while they weren’t amazing, doesn’t seem to be massively deserving of all the condemnation. Also, my OCD requires me to inform you that Ahsoka is spelt incorrectly.
    LizardWizard likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I 100% fully agree!

    Rose Tico:
    • is an absolutely boring character without a single memorable scene (at least memorable in a good way, because Canto Bight is "memorable" for all the wrong reasons)
    • adds nothing useful to the story
    • is the central protagonist of the worst scene in the entire movie
    • is only in the movie for the sake inclusivity (once again the movie is being hijack for propagation of a political agenda at the expense of story)
    • ruins Finn's heroic moment towards the end of the film (in a manner that doesn't even make sense)

    On the flip side, what is good about the character? Even my most hated character, Jar Jar, was loved by (some) very young children. That can't really be said for Rose. Also Jar Jar was actually able to move toys/merchandise while Tico toy sales absolutely tanked.

    Touche! :D Unfortunately it doesn't appear that it will let me correct it.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Neither the droid nor Rose beats my hate for Anakin.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    As a Star Wars figure collector, I can confirm this.

    Jar Jar figures are actually pretty rare due to the fan backlash against the character - the last figure of Jar Jar as of 2019 to be made was part of the 2012 range (I know because I was lucky enough to find one), the vast majority of characters in which were Prequel characters. While this range continued to be produced until 2014 (they didn’t release a new range in 2013), when the 2014 range did come out, the 2012 figures sold like hot cakes, including the Jar Jar ones - there must be at least a few people out there who like him enough to buy a figure of him (or don’t hate him so much that they will collect every figure except Jar Jar ones). Compare this to the 2017 Last Jedi range - I have been to several places where Rose figures were the only ones on shelves as all the characters were being bought except her, and there are several videos among the Star Wars figure collecting community that extensively talk about it.

    For the record, I have been to some places where there are still figures left from the 2015 Force Awakens line, so 7 can’t have been that popular either, certainly not compared to Episodes I-VI, although the fact that Hasbro changed their act from producing one line of good-quality figures to producing a line of pretty poor 5 Point of Articulation figures and a line of excellent quality figures (the Black Series/resurrected Vintage Collection) in 2014 may also be a factor in this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Anakin is definitely tougher to ignore. L3 has a much more limited role and you can easily skip over Rose scenes without losing any significant plot points.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  7. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    It's hard for me not to pick on the sequel trilogy. With that said, I've only watched Ep 7 so far and my experience with Ep 8 has been second-hand only.

    Villain-wise, Kylo Ren. I'm not sure whether it's because of his psychotically childish temper tantrums or the fact that he's trying too hard to be Darth Vader 2.0 when he really wasn't, but those are the only reasons why I find him memorable at all.

    Hero-wise, Rei and, to a lesser extent, Finn, specifically for their characterizations. I'd really chalk it up to poor writing, but as they stand the two characters don't really reflect their origins well.

    Finn, being a former stormtrooper who broke ranks and deserted from the First Order on short notice, not only seemed to make the act look trivial when it most likely shouldn't have been but then almost immediately became a bumbling joke character whose moments of competence barely had time to shine before being overshadowed by everyone else.

    Rei rubbed off on me as something of a Mary Sue-esque genderbent Luke Skywalker whose sole reason for wanting to return to Jakku in Ep 7 was to wait for whoever left her there, which to me felt antithetical to the adventuring hero we generally expect out of a main character. Having her instead wanting to go out into the greater galaxy to find out who they were, where they went off to, and even what happened to them would have been a much better motivation for her to get caught up in the events that take place.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Can't we all just agree that the most damaging character to the Star Wars franchise is...

  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I disagree with the honourable mention, but I 110% agree with THE WORST STAR WARS CHARACTER you included there ;)

    She makes Ahsoka look compelling and enjoyable in comparison :p

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The honorable mention is her sidekick!
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Rian Johnson
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  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In all fairness "worst character in Star Wars" is too open ended. There are too many apples to oranges comparison. It's almost impossble to figure out who was the worst character, but we all know who the best character is...Dexter Jettster.

    Jar Jar Binks is designed to be annoying than most characters in the prequels, but people love to hate him. but the actor did a good job.

    Anakin on the other hand, is not particularly annoying (when he is not talking about sand) but Hayden Christenson was a pretty subpar actor. Anakin managed to weaken Darth Vader, a former fan favorite. On the other hand, is it really Hayden's fault? He didn't write the script.

    Qui Gon and Mace Windu are both played by actors I like a lot, but their characters are flat because of lousy writing and directing. In episodes 1 through 3, there is a chronic problem that 90% of the cast is monotone and emotionless. Palpatine and Dexter Jettster were about the only characters that emoted.

    In the Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars movies, we often have a problem of characters over emoting in a hammy fashion.

    Admiral Holdo wasn't very annoying and the actress playing her was competent but the attempt to put in social justice politics was a bad idea and the "Holdo Maneuver" broke the Star Wars continuity unforgiveably.

    L3-37 was annoying and represented politics that shouldn't be in a Star Wars AND her name was a bad pun AND they couldn't even get social justice right. Her big schtick was that droids were oppressed slaves, then she gets her destroyed and her mind is locked in Millennium Falcon forever. That is literally what L3-37's version of Hell would look like and that scene was played off as a positive moment.

    But she cannot be the most hated Star Wars characters because so few people watched Solo.

    How do you compare Jar Jar Binks to Ashoka? At least people remember Jar Jar.

    I think it was a bad idea to show Anakin (and Boba Fett) as a small child. That was just a bad idea on GL's part. In fact, I think including large numbers of children characters was a bad idea in the prequels and a bad idea in the Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars movies. WHY?

    Captain Phasma wins the award for wasted potential. Good character concept, very good actress, but poor implementation. They tried to set her up as a badass on par with Boba Fett, but she betrayed her organization under a slight amount of pressure and got ignominiously tossed in a garbage shoot for comic relief. You cannot have a character be a serious bad ass AND comic relief...speaking of which.

    Finn may actually be my least favorite character because he should have been the best Star Wars character of the new era. That's a very compelling concept to humanize storm troopers but Disney blew it.

    Very quickly, Finn goes from a conflicted complex Stormtrooper to someone who doesn't hesitate for a second to murder large numbers of Storm troopers from his own unit who he knows by name.

    It was a bad idea to switch him over from a serious dramatic character arc to making him a goofy comic relief. He is just the big dumb clumsy man for Mary Sue to roll her eyes at.

    Now if you want to make Finn the comic relief, there is a better way to do it. Finn grew up as a slave soldier to an evil empire with next to no socialization. Think of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Drax is funny because he internalized being a soldier to the point of not being to interact with people in normal environments. Think of all the fun you could have with an ex-storm trooper trying to socialize in new societies?

    I'm on a Star Trek kick. I was trying to figure out my most hated character (besides the entire cast of Star Trek Discovery aka STD). I've been re-watching DS9. The parallel universe where most of the good guys are either villains or antiheroes. I am not a huge fan of the parallel universe as a plot device but I can tell the actors relish the opportunity to play different character types. However, Nicole de Boer cannot play a convincing villain or anti-hero to save her life. I don't care how much dark eye shadow she uses. I can tell she is trying, but she is clearly the weakest actress in DS9.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    He is annoying anytime he is interacting romantically with Padme. Cringy is a far better description, but I'm clumping it in with annoying.

    Qui Gon is one of my favourites actually. A classic Jedi with a little bit of Gray Jedi mixed in.

    Dex felt a little bit out of place in my opinion. Jar Jar was also emoted, but not in a good way. Palpatine is really well played, especially in episode III
    (that theater scene was probably the best scene in the prequel trilogy... outside of the Darth Maul lightsaber fight of course).

    And there you have it, the true worst character in Star Wars. Nobody has damaged it more. She could have destroyed Rian Johnson, but instead she embraced identity politics over Star Wars.

    What is the pun?


    Ashoka > Jar Jar. We remember Jar Jar for bad reasons.

    I agree. Finn could have been a very interesting and unique addition to the franchise.

    Discovery sucks. I watched the first season... never again.

    One of my least favourite characters DS9 was Kira; she really bugged me. TNG has Wesley, who was pretty awful.
    Aginor likes this.
  14. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    @Scalenex ...Dexter who?

    I still like them all....except the ones I barely remember.
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  16. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Gotta love a good retro diner in a sci-fi setting, complete with red upholstery, chrome trim, and a chef wearing a grease-stained white t-shirt.
  17. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    And Robots with poodle skirts.
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Simple, I see Jar Jar as an amusing, Mr Bean-type slapstick comic character, while Ahsoka is an insufferable know-it-all.

    I think it was primarily to show how innocent these evil characters are to heighten the sadness of their transformation from good to evil - when we see Anakin as a boy, he’s portrayed as good and kind and helpful, leagues apart from the evil, self-centred Sith Lord enforcer we see in the Original Trilogy, to make us think ‘what on Earth could have turned that little boy into a ruthless murdering bodyguard of a sadistic Sith Lord?’ to heighten the tragedy of his fall to the Dark Side.

    While I have to say that Jake Lloyd was a little too sarcastic in his voice and a better child actor could have been chosen, I still think that it’s a powerful mechanic that shows just how much of a corrupting effect the world can have on an individual as they grow up.

    Yeah - I want to like Finn, and still think he’s the best character to come out of the Sequels, but he still slips behind all the Prequels characters and most of the Original Trilogy characters for me as the way they have portrayed him causes him to fail to connect with me in the way my favourite characters do.

    Bearing in mind that Terry Farrell decided to abandon DS9 right at the end of the second-to-last series and they had to find a replacement at the last minute, I don’t think they made that bad a choice. Ezri is certainly better than Wesley, Ahsoka and quite a lot of other youth characters I’ve seen. I like how they portrayed her as the ‘accidental host’ rather than a ‘destined host’, veering away from the prodigy image to make a character the audience can more easily connect with.

    The thing is, Boba Fett was never a badass in the first place - he does virtually nothing apart from tracking Han Solo and co to Bespin, and even then he needs Vader and his expendable Stormtroopers to actually capture them. Also I ignore that comic that says he survives the Rancor pit - to me he’s dead and quite literally buried. But then, Captain Phasma does equally little in the Sequels so they got that part right

    Agreed here 110%. Besides, Jedi aren’t supposed to feel violent emotions like anger or love according to the Code, and if they weren’t so cool-headed and disciplined yet emotionless, they wouldn’t be the best Jedi Masters ever like they are portrayed to be, they would instead end up like Anakin and Kylo Ren - corrupted by the Dark Side clouding their judgement.

    I thought Dexter was pretty good - a new and original alien character who’s ‘travelled around the galaxy and seen some pretty strange stuff’, but has now retired and has decided to open up a restaurant. A bit like Quark really, except with more guts and less greed. I also like the idea of Obi-Wan leaving the temple after Padawan classes and chilling in Dex’s bar in times before Episode I. He could have taken Satine there for meals. A really nice little idea for vignettes that perfectly bring the Star Wars galaxy to life.


    I remember Ahsoka for far worse reasons than Jar Jar. She is honestly the one reason I’ve held off from getting the Clone Wars on DVD as she features in it so much. I’ve had to make do with watching them on YouTube where they keep speeding up the episodes or putting them on a smaller screen against a pointless background begging for likes and subscribes.

    It certainly looks bad to me as a fan of all the other series, despite what some have said about it being good. Also from reading up a bit on it it looks like they really wasted the potential of Jason Isaacs’ character - the fact that such a quality British actor was going to be in it was the one thing that still motivated me to be interested after seeing the trailer, but after seeing what happens to him it has really repelled me from the series. The main character is an SJW’s dream protagonist and the actual captain is played by an actress I think is pretty meh. I’ve only seen (no, heard) her in one film (an animated one) and her character certainly wasn’t the best.

    Something else we agree on - Kira deserved to be slapped/punched many times in my view. In fact I myself never really cared for any of the Bajorans except Bareil (the only Bajoran who actually showed any sort of forward-thinking) and possibly Kai Opaka.

    And the Clone Wars has Ahsoka, who essentially the same personality just female and Togruta rather than male and human.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  19. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    As a Anakin hater I have to make clear:
    I used to think Hayden Christensen was a big part of the problem, but I have seen him in other movies, and while he might not be the best actor in the world he is a LOT better than Ep2+Ep3 Anakin.
    So yeah I guess the script is to blame mainly.

    As for Ezri Dax: I actually liked her, she was less... arrogant than Jadzia. I don't know why I had that impression of her (haven't watched DS9 in many years) but that's what I didn't like.
    Nicole de Boer isn't exactly the most skilled actress, yeah. But she was cute and new, I really can't say a lot of bad things about her.

    To me the most annoying character in DS9 is Jake, and then Nog (before he becomes a Star Fleet member and war hero. I liked the late Nog, PTSD and everything).
    pendrake and Scalenex like this.
  20. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I think they made a bad choice. Even if Nicole de Boer was the greatest lady thespian to ever grace a Star Trek series (that honor goes to Nana Tucker/Visitor's performance of Kira), it was a mistake to replace Jadzia at all.

    By season 7 the cast includes Sisko, Bashir, O'Brien, Kira, Odo, Kassidy, Jake, Nog, Rom, Vic Fontain, Leeta, Quark, Zek, Martok, Worf, Damar, Winn, Weyoun, Dukat, the female shapeshifter among others.

    But Prophets forbid we have one season without a Dax in it! There is no rule that says you have to add a new character whenever you remove one.

    Every episode centered on Ezri took screen time away from one of the more interesting characters listed above.

    Every subplot with Ezri (love triangles, family issues, confusion integrating her hosts, coping with the fact that she has an evil Dax personality, how will I live up to my glorious predecessor, should I break Trill taboos by resuming a relationship from earlier in my life) was a rehash of an earlier episode with the same plot.

    Season 7 tried to ramp up the stakes compared to the previous seasons. If Jadzia was not replaced that would have made Gul Dukat a stronger threat. By giving a member of the cast a "Get out of death free" card it made viewers less worried about the rest of the cast.

    That was a good idea. It is not a good enough idea to make up for all the other stuff.

    "Better than Wesley"

    is like saying "prettier than a cockroach" or "taller than a grasshopper." Wesley was such a bad character it goes without saying. I guess I didn't like TNG as much as DS9 so I don't care as much. Also Wil Wheaton is hilarious deprecating his own character.

    The reason Boba Fett became badass in the minds of many fans is subtle. When Vader was briefing the Bounty Hunters Vader gently scolded Boba Fett about needing the prisoners alive strongly implying that Boba Fett killed a prisoner Vader wanted alive before BUT Boba Fett was so useful in general that Darth Vader was willing to overlook this mistake and then call him back for help again.

    That's unprecedented

    ! Darth Vader has murdered tons of minions for making smaller mistakes than that! Darth Vader is the biggest badass in Star Wars. The most badass thing Boba Fett has done was earn Vader's respect.

    Yoda, Obi Wan, and Luke were not especially emotionally effusive, but they were not deadpan either. The prequel trilogy added the robot Jedi aspect to the canon later.

    I am not 100% sure that is a good idea. In the background fluff, it makes sense but as a movie goer, I like to see actors on screen emote. It makes more compelling cinema in most cases.

    Well, yeah he is the best character of the prequels, no one denies that.

    In order to watch Discovery I would have to pay money to subscribe to CBS Access. I am mildly interested in watching Colbert, but that's a lot of money to subscribe to a station with barely anything I'm interested in. So I checked the reviews of STD. They are terrible.

    Kira was one of my very favorite characters. My very favorite character is Gul Dukat. Second place is a three-way tie between Garok, Sisko, and Kira. One unique thing about Star Trek is that it has something for everyone. I guess in all fairness, I like Sisko more than Garok and Kira. In every iteration of Star Trek except for Discovery, the captain is the foundation of the series. Ben Sisko is the perfect man after all.

    I dislike episodes centered around Q. I dislike episodes centered around a malfunctioning Holodeck. To other Star Trek fans, these two episodes are the BEST episodes. I like the political plots, other people are bored by political plots. Neither group is wrong. We just have different preferences.

    I enjoyed the Bajoran politics centered episodes. Of all the aliens in Star Trek, I think the Bajorans are the most relateable to me, they even seem more human to me than the 24th century humans.

    Vulcans and logic. Ferengi and greed, Klingons and machismo. Cardassians and blind patriotism. Romulans and treachery. These groups seem so one-dimension I cannot imagine they would be major powers.

    Vulcans wouldn't have enough babies and they would take enough risks or create any real innovation

    The Frengi, Cardassians, Romulans, and Klingon society would eat themselves as everyone is out to stab everyone in the back (or in the case of Klingons, stab them in the front).

    I like that Bajor has rebel freedom fighters that have to reluctantly adapt to becoming "the Man." I like that there are conflicts between secular and religious authorities. I like that there are holdouts that don't know how to not be at war. I like that they are the only Star Trek race with a nuanced religious system.

    My favorite part about Kira's character is her long character arc. At start she was a former terrorist who relished killing Cardassians and Cardassian collaborators. The last episode she had many deep friendships with individual Cardassians and was proudly risking her lives to save Cardassia and it didn't feel first. She changed her opinion without learning that her arch enemy also had a mother named "MAARTHAA!!!"

    I also like Kira's ongoing rivalry with Kai Winn which in a lot of ways paralleled the rivalry between Sisko and Dukat. Kira and Winn very good dramatic foils for each other. Both were patriotic, passionate, and brave but Kira was honest and humble and Winn was prideful and ambitious.

    I believe the actress who played Kira had good nuance and range in her abilities though I will admit her on screen romantic chemistry is lousy but that seems like a weakness in all Star Trek iterations. Voyager did a reasonable job with romantic subplots, but the original series, TNG, and DS9 had pretty subpar onscreen chemistry in my humble opinion.

    Fortunately, after nearly breaking the franchise with a SJW approved girl power Mary Sue character, the handlers from Star Wars learned from their mistakes and never made that mistake again.

    Jadzia was my least favorite character before Ezri joined the cast. Not that I disliked Jadzia, I just liked her less than the rest of the cast. Her arrogance was kind of grating, but she did have a small character arc of learning humility throughout the series.

    I did find her constant one-liner's annoying. One of my favorite Sisko lines was "In case you haven't realized Dax, no one is laughing."

    I'm sure she was the greatest actress in the high school drama troupe that the director recruited her from...

    She is cute. She is really cute. The problem is that season 7 is based on harsh choices and a horrific war. Ezri looks ridicuolous whenever the writers try to make her look a badass fighter.

    One of the reasons I liked late series Nog was because of how different he was from early series Nog. Nog had a long character arc, but he wasn't alone. Gradual but massive character transformations was a hallmark of the series. Dax, Bashir, Worf, Quark, Odo, Damar, Kira, Sisko, and Dukat all ended the series a substantially changed character from what they began as.

    I have not seen every episode of Voyager, but I have seen a majority of them. They also had compelling character arcs. I cannot say TNG or the Original series had good character arcs. They had good characters but very limited arcs.

    Jake was not a very interesting character, but he wasn't supposed to be. He was basically there to establish that Sisko was a good father. That was his only role on the show. Jake was brave and smart and all but he was still a youth. He acted liked you would expect a teenager to act. He didn't outperform the best and brightest of Starfleet on a regular basis like Wesley.

    This is how you should have child and adolescent characters in a series, as supporting characters not demigods, unless you are talking about the Percy Jackson series in which case the teenagers are literally demigods.

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