Need guidance/suggestions for a possible color scheme!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by anjnbn, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. anjnbn
    Jungle Swarm

    anjnbn New Member

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    Alright, so I just bought the codex and my first box of Saurus Warriors. I've got them all built and glued into their bases (sans shields so I can paint them without frustration :p), but I can't decide what color scheme I want to use. I've kinda sorta landed on red, but my mini-painting experience is low (re: one very sad necron), so I'm not sure what paints to use for base-coating, high-lighting, etc. etc.

    So, what would you folks recommend for a red based color scheme? The picture in my mind is a red saurus with a peachy underbelly and red-brown scales on its back. What do you guys think/suggest?
  2. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    I'm new to GW paints, so I don't know the names...

    white undercoat might look good for more 'bright' colors, especially if a light pink/peachy underbelly. but may mean more shading work later. Usually works best to prime black or white, then base coat the main color you want. Highlight a lighter shade, either light red, or maybe yellow. if I recall, avoid using white to highlight, unless you want some pink tinged saurus.

    uh... you can cheat, use simplegreen to strip all the paint off if it fails to try again ^^
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm I was trying to find a previous post I made around here where someone else wanted read, and I had a pretty detailed reply but I cannot seem to find it. Have a look around, I am pretty sure it was within the last 2 months or so.

    The basic idea was to pick a colour that you like most for the area, this will be the middle colour. Then find a couple that are darker and a couple that are lighter, though make sure they look good together (you develop an eye for it, try putting some on a bit of sprue or something to start out) some lighter colours are very different to their darker GW counterparts. For this reason it is often easier to make your own mid-colours by mixing your middle colour with something lighter, usually a small amount of white but for red, use yellow instead or you will get pink. Which is I guess what you want for the belly, not the scales though.

    I would try scorched brown as a base coat, scab red (maybe a shade lighter) for the mid colour, and blood red for the upper highlight. If it looks too dark add a bit of orange to some blood red for more highlights.

    Also, people have different opinions on this, but I would definitely stick to black as an undercoat rather than white. With white, you need to really make sure you don't make any mistakes at all or you will end up with white crevices and it will look weird. With black, anything you miss is just shadow. You do generally need more paint to cover black, but it is worth it.
  4. silversquire
    Jungle Swarm

    silversquire New Member

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    my army is red and creme, my skinks are all red though

    anyway, the way i do my red on their scales is, mechrite red, then a pretty thin wash of scab red then devlan mud quick highlight with scab red to bring back the color the i tone it down with a thin wash of leviathan purple. looks great. then my creme on the skin is dheneb stone then devlan mud then rehighlight with dheneb stone and maybe mix a little white in for his head and shoulders

    if i have time ill post a pick of my saurus and then one of my skinks
  5. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    @ silversquire,

    I was planning on painting my models on that scheme so it would be great if you could post some pics so I can get a look at how they turned out

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