AoS Lord Kroak 2k list, looking for feedback/discussion

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Devodin, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. Devodin
    Jungle Swarm

    Devodin New Member

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    Hello all!

    I'm looking to make a 2k list based around Lord Kroak. I'm relatively new to AOS, and have only used Seraphon a few times. I've made 2 lists (based on the models I have at my disposal), both of which I see having different pros and cons over each other (primary difference being to take sunclaw starhost or eternal starhost). Any input or feedback would be awesome.

    List # 1: 2000 pts

    Lord Kroak 540 pts
    Bastilladon 300

    Sunclaw Starhost (500 pts total)
    - 1 x sunblood
    -3 x 10 saurus warriors with clubs

    Shadowstrike Starhost (600 pts total)
    -1 x skink priest with trappings
    -2 x 5 chamo skinks
    -1 x ripperdactyl riders

    1 x salamander (to use up the remaining 60 pts)

    List #2: 1960 pts

    Lord Kroak 540 pts
    Bastilladon 300

    Eternal Starhost (520 pts total): **Will count as battle line req with Seraphon alliance**
    -1 x eternity warden
    -3 x 5 saurus guard

    Shadowstrike Starhost (600 pts total)
    -1 x skink priest with trappings
    -2 x 5 chamo skinks
    -1 x ripperdactyl riders

    40 pts remaining (unsure where to spend... maybe on skink handlers, for luls/chaff?)

    The pros of list 1 I see being that Sunclaw double the saurus model numbers than eternal. They won't be as damaging or have as good of armor rolls as the saurus guard, but will still be decent at mowing things down in melee while having twice the wound count. I also like the Sunblood offensively, compared to the Eternity Warden.

    Then on the other hand, I see list 2 with the Eternal Starhost having some nice synergies with Kroak. Warden can soak up wounds thrown on Kroak if need be, and the Saurus Guard will make a pretty bad ass security team for Kroak (2+ armor save, 3 attacks, and d3 damage if they haven't moved... damn!). The main weakness I see here though is that mortal wounds/heavy rend thrown on the saurus guard with 1 wound each will cause some major problems.

    I'll likely try both out to test them, but would be interested in any opinions or thoughts on the two lists. Thanks!
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I would go with list 1, and maybe drop the sally 5 chameleons for regular skinks, use the 100 points for a balewind Vortex. Kroak is expensive though, over a quarter of your army in one model, the vortex will give him the protection and extend the spell range.
    Seraphage and Devodin like this.
  3. Devodin
    Jungle Swarm

    Devodin New Member

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    I didn't know that summoning a vortex was a thing, until you brought it to my attention. I read up on it, and it looks awesome! Thanks for the idea/feedback.

    You do raise a good point about Kroak being expensive. The thought of him being a magical juggernaut, and being able to cast comet artillery are the main draws for me to use him. Do you think he's worth the point value? I'm open to other possibilities. Are there any particular alternatives you would suggest, that would compliment my above lists?
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Shadowstrike goes quite well with the bloodclaw battalion. You have your quick movers and shooters and melee troops. Lord Kroak is awesome, but the points are a bit steep, as the comets call is somewhat random in damage. If it was D6 mortal wound or just a solid 3 mortal wounds it woild be a bit better.
    Devodin likes this.
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Sunclaw is really nice but I'm afraid it will not pay back its points with only 3 units of 10 warriors. They will definitely deal some damage but they will go down fast. 5+ save is something you can't depend on.
    These 380p you pay for it, will probably not return you the cost as it is. For example a unit of 180p orcs (can't recall the name) would wipe you a unit in 1 turn and you lose 1/3 of the host just like that.
    It is a really good host but from my little experience with it, you need to invest into it to be rewarded :D

    Maybe drop the host and maybe add some firepower, x2 razordons for example, a cowboy to have something fast with the potential of dealing lots of damage or a starpriest for some aggressive / defensive play when needed to support the rest of your army
    Devodin and Bowser like this.
  6. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I disagree! Haha! I have used the sunclaw with 3 units of 10 warriors for a while and it works quite well for a cheap battleline that can spread itself about to get objectives, also make good buffers.
    Devodin and Bowser like this.
  7. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    You did ? Well then, I 'll give another shot to the small groups as well, thanks for the insight :D
    Bowser likes this.
  8. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I mean it won't work on all armies obviously, I haven't tried it against those nasty orcs but I took out 14 clanrats with 8 saurus warriors, 9 casualties and then 5 runners.
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Devodin
    Jungle Swarm

    Devodin New Member

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    Good call on the cowboy, I may shuffle some points around to field him. I have yet to try one out, but a cowboy with a relic blade for +1 dmg sounds pretty awesome to me.
    Bowser and Seraphage like this.

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