Tips for a "Southlands-themed" liz army

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by RaptoR_GzuS, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. RaptoR_GzuS
    Jungle Swarm

    RaptoR_GzuS New Member

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    Hello all.

    Started on lizardmen and I`m thinking of a different color scheme than the army book suggests.
    Initially I thought about an "oceanic" vibe army,progressive layers of dark green,lighter green to light blue/teal with maybe dark blue stripes.As I am a beginner in painting I`ve scratched this idea for something easier to paint but cool nonetheless.

    All models will have the typical chaos black undercoat.

    Started painting Saurus (and cold one cavalry saurus) like this:

    -Catachan Green on most of their skin,dark angel green on the clusters of scales
    -Dessert Yellow on their underbelly
    -burnished gold/some bronze details on the jewels,weapons,etc (spears retain a black heads,highlighted with very fine lines of dark purple)
    -yellow eyes
    -shields:a light brown base with a lighter yellow-ish color on the big scales
    -i may add white stripes on their bodies,and white skulls painted on their heads (like an African tribal warrior thing)
    -everything washed with Devlan Mud

    Skinks will be a mix of bright yellow,orange and some red or brownish stripes.I have removed the head fin on the plastic models (don`t like it for some reason)

    Kroxigors will be painted as close to a crocodile as possible,but on the lighter side.Or dark purple,not sure yet.10 foot tall,massive club-wielding Barney the Dinosaur FTW.

    Temple Guard will be very dark in color,almost black.The saurus` white warpaint stripes will make a comeback.My Slann will be a Kroak model.Saw a cool idea on youtube: adding the engine of the gods circle around and over his palanquin,so he`s in the middle.Might try it.

    One Steg will be grey-ish,one brown-reddish.I`ll need to figure a scheme for 5 Terradons as well to fit with the rest of the force.

    About my cold one cav:I hate the cold ones themselves,and I`m going to get dark elf cold ones and convert the riders to fit on them (the saurus have a wider leg space than the width of the DE cold ones.Green stuff might be the solution.)As for the color,was thinking purple with red underbelly and red tiger stripes.But I need something that fits well with green-skinned saurus riders.As for the 8 cold one mounts supplied by the lizardmen battalion box set,I will saw off their legs and shorten them,and use the head fins from the skinks to make 3 salamanders out of them,and a lot of green stuff and spiky stuff to make 3 razordons.Let nothing go to waste,eh? :D

    Any thoughts,tips on any of this?
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Well, seems like you have alot of ideas and plenty of creativity...

    I don't really think anyone can give you much advice on this since your doing such a crazy paint scheme. Personal taste is really all that matters, you have an army of lizards which, in the real world, can be any color(s) you want them to be....

    Personally I think all the different colors might look good, but I think IMHO all the extra stripes and things will make your army look too clown/rainbow esque...

    I mean, do whatever you want, it will be unique...

    I ended up just doing the GW paint scheme with the slightest edits, like all my saurus and skinks are a lighter blue then normal, and their dark blue scales have a slight purple look from a distance, my salamander is bright yellow with blue scales, my EoTG howdah is black and light gray with little gold...

    Whatever you like usually works...
  3. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I second what SlannOfItza said. A couple of things to note, though, from a fluff perspective, is that Saurus and Slann are rare in the Southlands, so you may want to alter your list accordingly. If you can get your hands on the old Lustria Realms book, that would be ideal. I would almost be tempted to field Tehenhauin or a regular Skink Priest on an EOTG. One or two units of Saurus is probably okay, but other than that, it should be primarily Skink run.

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